
Sure. The US couldn't let the sovereignty of the Kuwaiti emirs and the "freedom" of Kuwaiti citizens and their indentured foreign workers go undefended. That the oil fields were recaptured was incidental. And the Kurdish and Shi'a rebellions the US encouraged to ease the their assault and then abandoned to be

Well, how about "Operation Desert Storm," an overt use of American military power to defend private financial interests, and then leaving Hussein in power after the ease of invasion was an even worse decision. It enabled and provided cover for the GWB war of false pretenses, and the top down corruption in his

Off the top of my head, the Noriega connection and invasion of Panama were on the shady, corrupt side of American intervention in Latin America.

So, I just finished a series watch. I saw a fair number of episodes from the first three seasons when they first aired, mostly because the GF at the time liked it, but it didn't really do much for me, and i never had any interest in revisiting it. I've noted the show as being among many people's favorites though, so

I caught up to this not to long ago, I remember being intrigued by this when it came out, but forgot about it until I saw Starred Up, and remembered this was also directed by the excellent Mackenzie. I agree with IV that this is overlooked, (which seems to be his career, unfortunately; Young Adam, Asylum, Perfect

This movie is the definition of risible mediocrity. Hackneyed, "quirky" characters, who bear no resemblance to anyone who has ever lived, deliver leaden, embarrassingly idiotic fucking dialogue through one shitty plot contrivance after the next. (Purportedly semi-autobiographical? I'd guess the screenwriter's BF from

D'Angelo is a worthless fucking hack. Ignore this review; it's an absolute failure of imagination to not appreciate the sorrowful existential dilemna of this strange, beautiful, and amusingly romantic film. It's another absurd, brilliant and unappreciated work of art from Terry Gilliam. To equate this with Brazil and

I thought it said Tobe Hooper. Talk about disappointment

Well, Daisy Ridley makes Hayden Christensen look like Olivier, but other than that it was a perfectly mediocre if rather nonsensical remake of the original Star Wars, though admittedly, it did look great. And while I generally don't mind Adam Driver, he's a horrible choice for Kylo Ren, just didn't feel the inner

Wanker Doof error of the week: Remember when, "he's mostly just saying it to get Paulie's goat," yeah, not really, throughout the episode Tony is increasingly irritated and concerned by Paulie's oversharing in front of strangers, right before he says the line, Paulie is laughing and joking about the hippie guy that

Wanker Doof error of the week: Remember when, "he's mostly just saying it to get Paulie's goat," yeah, not really, throughout the episode Tony is increasingly irritated and concerned by Paulie's oversharing in front of strangers, right before he says the line, Paulie is laughing and joking about the hippie guy that

That's the second, and inferior, young Livia.

Wanker Doof error of the week: Tony B. doesn't "resent the way his cousin is the sole reason he is able to find a job," he resents the condescending Mr. Kim and the shit work and hoops he has to jump through to maintain him as a partner, and clearly can't stand the thought of a conjoined future with the man, as Tony

Wanker Doof error of the week: It's kind of absurd to say Tony is making "better decisions" or that the conflict arises "even though he takes the high road." He made out with his nephews fiance! and would have certainly gone the distance without that knock on that door, if you've ever scored coke for a girl at two in

Wanker Doof error of the week: The men were indicating that Sil would have been the likely one to be given the order to kill Ralph, not that he would kill Tony because of Ralphie.

Wanker Doof error of the week: In the did he didn't he debate (he did) it isn't mentioned that the last thing Tony says to Ralph while he's grieving for his son and right before Ralph heads out the door, is "oh, by the way I'm seeing that Valentina chick, hope you don't mind," a gratuitous iand nasty nsult in the

Wanker Doof error of the week: The scenes about Ralph are not designed "to let Tony off the hook," or make him an "awesome guy," and in fact are distinctly unflattering in that they are driven solely by Tony's regressive desire to verify Ralph's kinks so he can rationalize seeing Valentina again. As long as Ralph

Wanker Doof error of the week: The woman Tony is with when Artie calls is Icelandic, likely one of the stewardesses seen in a previous episode. Also, the "weird French brandy," Armagnac, is an error on the show's part that really rankled me because it's lazy writing that could have easily been cleared up with minimal

Wanker Doof error of the week: "Am I insane," no, just bizarrely unobservant considering that Ralphie quite clearly and at length states and emphasizes that Tony and Jackie Sr. commit the robbery while he bailed due to having the clap (or more likely just chickened out.)

Wanker Doof error of the week: The straining to find thematic coherence is always tiresome, and generally, half-assed critic imposed bullshit as here.