
first comment I’ve seen that gets it. I’m about to get these tendies!!!!!!!!

the 2011 has no temp gauge and the early ones dont have a way to switch off trac control

It happened in like a week and only like 500 years ago? Read a book for once 

Pure, raw, unadulterated stupidity 

Dr. Toboggan, Mantis Toboggan, M.D. I’m gonna need some aspirin, a roll of duct tape, a bag of peanuts and 4 beers. 

It’s Dodge’s fault for letting you even put it in gear with it open, huge design flaw if you ask me

the Lexus ES300 was a Camry and the Avalon is simply a stretched Camry

that’s funny because it was in Mexico, in the back of one as a cab that I realized the back seats were pretty roomy. I also noticed the driver had the passenger seat VERY far forward and the driver’s seat pretty far forward too which might be part of the reason. 

Robert DIY is super good and has links to all the RWD Volvo Greenbooks (factory service manuals). 

Who at Ford thought those sunken headlights looked good?

Damn I read the other comments and how can you guys justify fucking shooting someone/ pulling a piece on them for walking up to your car/ having words with you? Why is CCW even a thing when saying anything to anyone in public will have some idiot brandishing at you (yeah that shit is illegal) or even better get you