Rontanamo Bay

Well, the fact that they dropped AtGames gives me some confidence it won’t suck ass.

You seem pretty negative, just don’t buy it lol. This obviously isn’t for you, but it’s certainly something I am interested in!

As someone who is American, you’re not wrong. The Puritans made sure colonial American was boring as all hell.

Get Origins or Odyssey. Or get them both.

Wow, I was planning on buying a year sub on payday. This is quite timely lol

Wow, I was planning on buying a year sub on payday. This is quite timely lol

If you’re fine with Connecting the two accounts “forever”

If you’re fine with Connecting the two accounts “forever”

That’s weird, I always felt that the writing was the only thing holding the game back. BL2 was such a cringefest, most of the people I play with, myself included, turned off the dialogue audio before long.

As he spiraled downward, he gave at least one interview talking about how the money made him feel completely alienated from society at large.

On the other hand, the Gates, when confronted with that problem, decided to cure malaria instead of turning into the absolute worst sort of person.

It’s weird, because he always seemed like a pretty normal guy back in the alpha days. Then one day he just... snapped and started posting absolutely wild rants on Twitter. I wanna say it was around the time he made the news for outbidding Jay Z on that giant mansion.

Yeaaaaaah, it’s definitely a marketing prerogative to not be associated with Notch’s rhetoric. or risk alienating people who aren’t big fans of dickery.

Meanwhile Notch has become a conspiracy theorist

I never thought that Minecraft being bought out by a multi-billion dollar corporation would end up being a good thing.

I know this is not a thing cool kids say, but I wish there was an easy mode.

Whats the conversion rate for PC?

Oh lord, I’m tired as hell so this is gonna come out dumb, lol, but - This is a great criticism. I think you nailed one of the big reasons their games end up being so decisive. It’s almost like From makes games that want you to keep in mind that they’re games while you play them but they also want you to be immersed

But quasi-UHD when docked is a possibility. 1440p or 1600p, perhaps?

I’d just be happy if a new iterations of the Switch resolve some of the manufacturing problems that exist with this thing. I’ve had mine since launch, and I’ve had to send things to Nintendo on 3 separate occasions.

If they update the resolution of the screen on the switch to 1080P then it’s not really upgrading the resolution of the system, it’s just making it so it always outputs in 1080P whether it’s docked or not.

That said I could see them doing 1080p with some tweaks. Technically it already does 1080p, just with a higher power consumption rate. 

It can be, it’s just they’d have to rework the classroom scenes and interactions (I forget but weren’t Ryuji and Ann in the same class as the MC?). Honestly, I played over a hundred hours of P5, and didn’t even realize their uniforms changed by year, but I’m hearing a lot of people mention this on forums so I’m