Rontanamo Bay

Yeah I’m hoping it’s a smaller DLC story that takes place after P5 proper, with a female protagonist, rather than a retelling of the same story.  But I realize that is not at all what they’ve done in the past and not terribly likely.  I could also not play this game for another 100 hours, even though I loved it.

As others have said, the Switch already outputs 1080p, so it would just need a better battery or more efficient chip to power an HD screen in handheld mode. If a souped up model is released, I think there’s zero chance they won’t add an HD screen, though I agree with you that 4k is definitely not going to happen.

I’ve had a Switch and an extra set of Joy Cons since launch. The Joy Cons that came in the Switch box started to get drift after about a year. The extra set just started drifting last week. Super frustrating. I’m hoping though that I can get by with my Pro Controllers and 8-Bit Do pad until the new souped up Switch


But Zack said this was a “new RPG”, so I don’t know that we know it’s telling the same story.

I don’t see why. Futaba is younger than the rest of the group, and Haru is a third year, so not everyone in the group is the same year as Joker. And they already have a voice actor for Joker in P5 Dancing in Starlight.

But not all the Phantom Thieves are second years, so I don’t see why they couldn’t do a new story that takes place after P5, with a new protagonist who becomes a Phantom Thief, who also happens to be a first year student.

How do you know all that/why can’t a first-year be the protagonist?

Wait is this like a DLC sequel to Persona 5, a la Torna The Golden Country? I thought Persona 5 R was going to be a Definitive Edition of P5, IOW same game with some extra content. But “a new RPG coming to PS4” sounds like something much more exciting.

Is there any reason anyone is aware of that the names of the face buttons are exactly the same as on an Xbox controller? I find that annoying, given that Nintendo came up with its 4-button scheme several years earlier. If you’re going to use A, B, X, and Y, why not follow the longer established precedent?  They

Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight are my second- and third-most played games on the console, behind Breath of the Wild (though Dark Souls will likely overtake Hollow Knight by the time I finish it). And I have over 20 hours in Gungeon and Dead Cells as well. A whole lot of indie games provide tremendous values for

This game sounds fantastic, and I look forward to finishing up Dark Souls on Switch so I can dive into it. The Dragonrot system is the only thing that makes me apprehensive. The only way I was able to make progress in Bloodborne and Dark Souls was by grinding for many hours at the beginning of each of those games,

The only game I’m guaranteed to buy on the day it is released is Blaster Master Zero 2, because, well, I already did. I adored the first game, and I’ve never been more excited for a released day reveal of a game.

Cuphead is amazing and everyone should play it. It is definitely beatable. I am not amazing at video games by any stretch, and I beat every level and found every coin on Normal difficulty level. Some levels took me close to two hours of practice to best, but it was all worth it.

Yeah I barely played that game because it didn’t look as pretty as the other games (and 4k blu rays) I bought with my Xbone in late 2017, and I don’t love the Xbone controller.  But I would definitely play the hell out of it on Switch in handheld mode.

Yes I think it was! I knew the voice sounded familiar. They should have mentioned that if it’s true; it would definitely increase my interest in such a (seemingly) story-heavy title.

Blaster Master Zero 2 was the most exciting announcement for me. The first game is one of the best retro remakes of a retro game - addressing the flaws of the original while emphasizing what made it fun. I’m very happy to pay $10 for the sequel immediately.

I was also most excited about the Blaster Master Zero sequel, as I felt similarly to you about the first game, and the shadow drop ensures that they get my money at launch. But I never played Necrodancer, and I love Zelda, so this anmouncement is a close second for me.

This is an excellent list. I’ve always hated Twizzlers, and have been actively vexed by their seemingly mass appeal. I also knew I felt Hershey’s Kisses were overrated as well, but I couldn’t articulate why. You’ve done so very well. And finally, I feel exactly the same way you do about Butterfingers, but didn’t

At least black licorice tastes like something.  I don’t really like black licorice, but I can see the appeal.  I can’t say the same for any red licorice I’ve ever had (though I’ve never tried Red Vines as far as I can remember).