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    He's free to do whatever he wants, but, speaking of Twitter, take a gander at his comments basically trying to distance HIS interview comments from the position of MARVEL as a company. Those are not the the words of a man completely confident he was in the right. Those are the words, and actions, of a man in complete

    Look at my replies to other comments in this thread.

    Look I understand the economic argument, but it would be fine to stick to just that, or say, "We decided to take artistic license and change the race/ethnicity of the character of the film for a new way of exploring storytelling that was limited in the comic books, etc."

    This is such a monumental clusterf**k for Marvel.

    Isn't it an insulting anti-feminist action on Whedon's part to think he should step in on the part of women to instruct the public on what is, or isn't feminist-friendly?

    I think a lot of people have missed the nuance in the meat of this episode. The rumors, the guessing (pure guessing), even by those with "professional certification", people deciding what is and isn't relevant in a person's personal history to decide not IF, but WHY he's guilty, and, now, the biggest rumor makers of

    Yes. It is. Call it a personal flaw, or a man who goes back to his roots from time to time because, in the end, our roots are important…no matter how intrinsically fucked they are. In the end it doesn't make sense. It won't make sense to anyone else…but I still go to that well. Like Kierkegaard said about faith in

    I love that movie.


    You are talking about the difference between people who "tow the party line" and those who speak the truth as far as they know it. All three of these men have a reputation for irreverence and exercise it well whenever they can. As far as Blasphemy…it's in the eyes of the beholder. And to me their ideas aren't that

    See below in response to other doubters. Have a nice day.

    Doubt away.

    The idea of a virgin birth, and the entire nativity MYTH, is a story the various main Christian churches around the globe acknowledge is false and was coopted from other pagan religions to appeal to the uneducated and illiterate masses of the early days of the church. I have spoken with various high ranking priests

    "His zingers don’t zing as sharply as Whedon’s…?"

    Orange Is The New Black is the best new show on television?  I've now watched three episodes and although the writing is at times okay, it's not great, and the pilot was almost unwatchable in how bad and awkward it is.  The timing is weird, some of the performances (particularly that of the lead and Jason Biggs) are