
So girl who are not modestly dressed are not JUST GOIN ABOUT THEY BIZ AND BOOM, RAPE. So you have to be modest nice girl for going out around and minding your biz? DO you actually get it that you are saying that girls who traipse around scantily clad deserve to be raped? It is same idea as Chrissies.

You are all bunch ofhypocrites! Shaming Taylor Swift for racism, while many of you admited to listening to Taylor the Creator and he is million times bigger bigot, it can’t even be compared. So you are not disturbed by his awfully misogynistic songs who promoe rape and violence against women but you are disturbed by

Oh quick, many women were gang raped, beaten up by men and still they don’t beat men back. Rihanna had terrible childhood with violent father. Quick we must tell all women who were molested or have seen scary shit to beat kill or rape males, now they have excuse. Oh wait that is only for men, and this talk is reserved

Poor rapist, he really didn’t want to rape her, but that scarlet girl seduced him. Are you actually listening to yourself??? Some 14 year old boy can beg me to be with him it is on me to say no, and if I don’t say No I am monster and rapist. You are mental.

No, dressing a certain is not asking for catcallers, how dare you to even write this victim blaming bullshit? You are no better than people who say rape victims that rape is their fault.