I'll pray for your ears tonight.
I'll pray for your ears tonight.
Lol. He said reliable BMW power.
You test drove 911s and ended up with a WRX?
No I think that Qashqai is more realated to the Rogue if not the exact same car.
Same way you would pronounce Gilles Villeneuve - Jeell. The "es" at the end is silent.
That windows phone comment hit me right in the 'nads bro. Uncool, but probably deserved.
First World problem here but what BMW calls Comfort Access. The feature which allows me to keep the key in my pocket and open the door, drive, turn off and simply lock the door with my finger while the key remains in my pocket is the first option i check. I wish all doors had that. Good thing is that almost every…
First World problem here but what BMW calls Convenience Access. The feature which allows me to keep the key in my pocket and open the door, drive, turn off and simply lock the door with my finger while the key remains in my pocket is the first option i check. I wish all doors had that. Good thing is that almost every…
Im actually gonna watch this tonight.
Yeah but I still loved it! That was my city and that underground tunnel is one of the most accident-prone areas in Montreal cos... "races." In my idiot days I raced so many lambos and Ferraris out there on my bike. There were 2 Porsche GT3 RS in the city and I raced both of them on two different times on the same day.…