
It’s remarkably simple. You notice a lot of people are saying “this thing is good.” You consume it yourself and think “hey, wait a second, this thing is bad.” You reach (lash) out in an attempt to reconcile those two opinions.

Find a long-form interview with him and you will no longer consider this surprising. He’s sincere and honest, self-deprecating to an appropriate degree (without it feeling like a schtick or defense mechanism), and clearly means well. Granted, you might not find his work to be enjoyable, and his energy can get

He likes it when people say things that he likes, and he dislikes it when people say things he dislikes. What an outrageous hypocrite.

If you read the whole letter it says “After one year we will work with our customers to reach a fair solution if a product is defective in any way.” I take that to mean they still pretty much plan on honoring the original intent of the policy, and are just reserving the right to turn away those they think are abusing

This is a pretty basic function of economies of scale, and true of just about any product you can buy. A gallon of milk is a better value than 4 quarts, a case of beer is cheaper than 4 sixers, etc.

I (male) have done this so many times. Buzzed it all off, dyed it blue and then buzzed that off a week later, full on mohawk, gave myself a haircut with scissors.

I’ve been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I’m no dummy. I know high school girls.


Christ. I saw Eck comment on that line live. It was blunt, but really not particularly nasty or scathing. It was right in line with what Eck does, which is to call it like it is. He actually does a great job of pointing out when a guy would like to be doing a better job without being critical of the person or

The problem is that you’re trying to put foods into one of two buckets (healthy vs deadly) and it doesn’t work that way. There’s a lot of different nutritional components, and each food contains them in different amounts. For pretty much every component (from basic groupings like protein and sugar down to specific

Play the first three quarters unchanged (timed) and then in the fourth, the first team to score 20 more points than the high score at the start of the quarter wins. So if it’s 80-60 after 3, the first team to 100 wins. You can still get epic blowouts and high scoring affairs, you’re still essentially guaranteed 4 full

I war really just taking a cheap shot at the pseudo Whalers fans. Sometime around ten years ago Whalers gear absolutely blew up as a fashion statement in Connecticut.

If nostalgic/ironic extinct team memorabilia sales numbers drove franchise decisions, Hartford would have two Whalers teams right now.

Have y0u never looked at any of their logos or their mascot?

I was waiting for the twist where you get there and get all your belongings stolen immediately.

Ladies, I’ve always been curious: is Justin Long attractive? His dating resume is far more impressive than makes sense to me.

Ok, so go argue with them on Twitter. Don’t take it up with the writer of an article who clearly never expressed that sentiment.

Please read the article again. Or even just the headline. “Was” is a prominent word in it. Past tense. Meaning, McDonald’s, as a rule is not a “woke” company, but they were for one moment on one specific subject. It also calls them “one of America’s gnarliest companies.” I don’t think they’re getting a free pass on

Hence the piece of the headline that specifies “for one glorious tweet...”

I should add, this logic also requires the completely unsubstantiated assumption that not only are there distinct intellectual, psychological (I don’t even know how these “values” would harbored within genetically heritable traits, but these are my best guesses to explain it) differences between races, but that these