Just googled "Pussy of Steel". You've been warned.
Just googled "Pussy of Steel". You've been warned.
Has anyone ever made a successful panna cotta on Top Chef?
In Apollo 13 he had to fix a space ship with a wrensch.
Man, I love 'Warrior'. I can't think of a time I was more pleasantly surprised when I saw a movie in theaters. Just seeing the title in this article made me want to watch it again.
It's a disgusting habit.
Objection to an objection! I don't think it was a quiz; I think it was some runes that would only reveal themselves upside down.
The Quibbler should be upside down.
Everyone knows 15 minutes was too long for the post-trial section, but what this Stray Comment presupposes, maybe it wasn't?
No! That title was a pun?! As a person who never watched that show, I did have have some respect for its weird, random title. Now I retroactively hate it.
I want to know what makes Robot 8 so goddamn special? Is it the latest model (version 8.0, if you will)? OR, is its performance an outlier that the engineers can't explain?
I'm watching TWW for the first time. I'm finishing up the third season now. Toby is my favorite character, and it preemptively breaks my heart that they do that to the character.
I watched that episode on vacation with several other families. One kid who was watching with us asked, "Are they talking about peeing?"
You're giving me +1200 for THE FIELD? I'll take it! Come on, endometriosis!
The Water Temple in Ocarina of Time gave me fits. It forced me to go out and buy the guide (pre-Internet). Great level in a perfect game, but hard as fuck.
Probably my favorite joke from the entire series.
Somewhere, Mr. Plinket just got the chills.
Michael Fassbender as Kvothe.
Feels like an Arby's night.
Did anyone else immediately think of Tenacious D's 'Tribute' during the 'Feminist Song' short?