Wow. This thread is a microcosm of what’s wrong with contemporary American liberalism as a comprehensive political movement.
Wow. This thread is a microcosm of what’s wrong with contemporary American liberalism as a comprehensive political movement.
Always appreciate some Rye humor.
the problem with bourbon is that you get hits of everything else in the garbage can where it belongs
The GOP fucking played us like a fiddle.
What is the efficient way to breathe dying sprints? (Waiting with bated breath).
yeah i’ve resented kinja since day 1 and i have no idea why univision even wanted it. there must be some fancy-dancy advertising shit in the backend that lets them sell ads for twice the price or something. i can’t conceive any other good reason.
It also doesn’t look like you can browse by content series (World of Flops, Top Ten, History of Violence) or just go through a TV series’ reviews anymore.
Isaiah Thomas = Jacoby Ellsbury
It’s not that Founding Fathers did things that we see as not okay. It’s actually very fucking important not to deify seriously flawed human beings as avatars of virtue and nobility, because it obscures the shit that they did do and erases history.
I posted this on another thread, but I think a lot of it bears repeating. The justification for tearing down these statues lies in the reality of the Confederacy and how it began.
My favorite Bud Selig moment is when he threatened to move the Brewers out of Milwaukee if he didn’t get a tax payer funded stadium. Then, when he got his way, he handed the team over to his daughter and effectively scuttled the fucking franchise for the next decade. If you want to make a Brewer fan reflexively hurl…
People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat Trump to the tune of 3M+ in the popular vote and that just eats him up. She wasn’t a bad candidate, she was the unfortunate result of an electoral college system that nowadays has a built in advantage in the red states.
I assume if you actually pay off the lease then you no longer get any work since they then would actually have to pay you. Would love to see that follow up.
In Canadian labour law I am pretty sure that would be a “Constructive Dismissal”. Which would mean the company is in some shit.
Neither Johnson nor Ryan showed up for the parade his year - and its Ryan’s district.
“And even then, hospitals rarely inform you of costs ahead of time.” THIS. This is so important. How can the market drive the cost down if there is no transparency? You have no idea how much you’re spending at the hospital. You just get a bill a few weeks later, and however much everything cost was a total surprise.…
So this is definitely an interesting economic debate. The theory would tell you that it would come down almost immediately because there would be far fewer buyers at a given price. Health care facilities still want to make money, so they would have to lower their prices to get anyone in the door.
Don’t give Collins or Murkowski outs. They have gone along with all of this at every step. They are just voting to preserve their asses, sort of. They will eventually vote YES on it once they are given enough cover and promises of campaign cash. There are no GOP moderates. Repeat this over and over.
If the draft is that random then thats not in favor of the process its further damnation.