
Realistically, what’s to stop every teacher from collecting those gun bonuses with no intention of ever using their gun? This gun bonus could be a much needed pay raise for teachers.

Maybe Kick-puncher is real!!!

And how do we know this? Because there was an armed guard at the school and not only did he never make contact with the shooter, he let the shooter walk out the front door.

But your initial statement was, ‘In what way does a public health issue over rule a constitutional right?’ in the context of additional gun regulations. All the constitutional rights are subject to public health restrictions (e.g. yelling fire in a theater, restricting 4th and 5th amendment rights in wartime and

Why is it that we are fine with limitations to every other constitutional right, except the second amendment? The freedom of speech (which is more important to preventing tyranny than the 2nd), is subject to numerous restrictions - time and place, fighting words, business speech, etc. Look at the 4th and 5th

Don’t forgot the rap music.

And I doubt firing james comey, a very capable head of the fbi, helped the matter either.

Between this clip and the crash - is John Hodges now the snowboard play by play man?

I thoroughly angered a grad student classmate of mine while having this discussion. He first asked my heritage, I said American. Thinking me confused, he followed up, ‘no, where are your ancestors from.’ Again, I responded America. Now, getting pissed, he asked again, ‘where do you trace your family lineage from.’

More the name - the first couple of times I ever listened to the podcast, when they advertised the more comedy based Lovett or leave it, I thought it was a Jon Lovitz show. Thankfully it wasn’t.

You didn’t actually think of Jon Lovitz?

At this point, there are multiple authors on this site that I will not read anymore. It’s either hot takes like this, taking a quote or action grossly out of context, or simply being upset for the sake of being upset. Hell, they were upset with Tom Hanks and his response to sexual assaults the same week they said men

What you said is also absolutely correct. The players agreed to a system that screwed them over, but that doesn’t make it right. If you want to have strong labor-ownership relationships, which is what mlb always touts (the longest continued period of labor peace), ownership cannot exploit to the degree they are a

That would be a perfectly acceptable statement if the system wasn’t set up so young productive players also do not get paid. The “what can you do for me now” attitude should apply both ways.

We had the opportunity to ensure the dreamers were protected in November 2016, but too many liberals stayed home. Dems are the minority party and can only do so much. They can fight and die on this hill, but then republicans are just as likely to ‘go nuclear.’ They’re simply playing the hand we dealt them. Don’t get

Not to defend Manchin, but he also determines who the majority leader is. So if it’s domeone who supports you 75% of the time and the majority leader, vs a republican, the choice should be clear.

Trump is a stable genius with the greatest memory of all time, why would his lawyers be worried? Some public employee couldn’t possible take down such a man.

The thing is, coupled with the article earlier today about declining birth rates here, we need more immigration now more than ever! Immigrants are a big reason our economy didn’t crater nearly as badly as in Europe.   

From an national economic standpoint, the decreasing birth rate is why we need to increase and encourage immigration, not stymie it. The reason our economy is doing relatively well, especially as compared to Europe and the Middle East, is immigration - it is one of the biggest drivers of economic growth.

Conservative bloggers in Illinois when reading a description of the ad assumed it was fake and a plant by Dems - until she confirmed it was from her office.