
Not just that, but he’s missing out on salary for 2016. Say he drops, he's giving up potentially $10m on his overall first contract, but also an entire year of earnings that he can never get back. So now he's looking at 5m+ the difference in rookie contract if he sits out. But I hope he does it (not my money).

I’ve had one for almost two years now and have been incredible satisfied (got two sensors from an eBay store for $25 each). The running app has some coaching programs for different intervals to try. It provides cadence, ground impact, and range of motion information. I really like moov for its swim tracking though.

Moov doesn't get into quite the same amount of detail, but the feedback and coaching it provides is very good. I'd recommend checking it out, also, much cheaper - 15-40/sensor for the older style.

I’m less confident than you that if trump wins pence would have little power. Trump has given little indication that he wants to actually govern. He wants to be president, but doesn’t want much else after that (the kasich vp offer was quite illustrative). I foresee a huge power vacuum if trump wind to either be filed

Confused by the review though - how is superior strategy and tactics cowardice? The boltons executed the plan Jon and Davos originally drew up, before going off script. Not sure how using a phalanx and encircling movement is anything that should be derided. It's jons arrogance and stupidity that should be questioned.

It sounds like the gift aspect of this story was meaningless and in no way relevant to the study. The surfer could have given you coal, but the note with would have elevated it to something else. Unless your providing a similarly emotionally charged note with your gifts that transcend the gift entirely?c you're not

This “article” is two sentences long, how could it be so poorly written?

The prior year: Patriots - revis and browner.

Obviously not, but if politicians are recalled or voted out next election, it sends message for the future. Or I f the electorate is vocal and clear enough about displeasure in advance, it might make the politician more fearful of reprisal. Currently, these politicians know they can vote for tax payer funding and not

Absolutely. I think (hope?) that the tide is starting to change, and that politicians will start to actually fear being voted out of office at the first opportunity. But until there is systemic and routine accountability of local politicians who support these money pits, nothing will change.

They had a vote when they elected these officials. The only real way to effect any change is to continue voting those who support any measures like this out of office, and support those who proactively take measures to stop future funding.

When having your preventive care appointment, be sure to only discuss preventive care issues and what’s specifically covered. Unscrupulous doctors will use even the most innocent or benign question that in any way touches on treatment to open the door to bill for a second office visit that’s coded non-preventive, and

This is a player the cardinals traded for just last year. Why are they so butthurt about him leaving?

I wonder if it’s more they wanted a Nick Saban against his former team.

That's from the umpires manual, not the rulebook itself.

The show The League is ahead of its time. Last weeks episode went into detail about how bad an insult buttley was.

As I understand it, that's the current practice in Japan. You have to pay to attend, but I think there are more things given to guests

He tried to change the mission statement of UW to something like prepare people to have jobs; and, he tried eliminate the open record laws. Then after immediate backlash, he tried to cover up his involvement - but thanks to those very same open record laws, we got to the truth.

Ugh, that includes Bill Maher too on tonight’s Politically Incorrect. Justified it by saying that he was only detained for a few hours, if this was Isis, he’d be burned alive or beheaded. As if our moral and legal standard is ‘not as bad as isis.’ I’d like to think that we could set our goals a little higher.

With all due respect, jfk was taking orders from his direct line to the pope.