Fair, I’ve always had good outcomes with Hondas, so I’m biased, but I’m sure any Japanese econo-car would be fine. Moral of the story, if you just need a vehicle to get you from A to B, DON’T BUY A $21K TRUCK!
This is insanely aggravating.
Neh, I’m kinda burned-out too. I mean tired. Never mind.
I never even heard of him until Jalp started to do news on him.
This is the true, adult answer.
This is fantastic.
You can’t hit anybody if you can’t reach them.
As long as they’re both consenting adults, who tf are you to judge?
So much this. When I was 15, Harleys were “for old guys.”
The real problem here is you can only get the LSD in one spec, and luxuries in another.
I’ve been observing this for a while. Most cars now are: a) silver, b) black, or c) white. It’s hard to find many blue or green cars, much less beige. Yes, there are some brightly-colored sports cars, but the palette of “regular” cars is super boring.
I dont know whats more disturbing, the fact that this piece of shit was luring people to take cash, or the fact that people were desperate enough to pay cash, $3500 at that, for a 15 year old Echo. But I guess if you really need a car, but still.
Goddammit, do you see this bullshit? Do you see it? Are your eyes perceiving it? Fuck this unscathed triangle of…
The one downside to being an atheist is I can’t say “amen” to things like this. When did this country lose all compassion for their fellow human beings?
V6 Camry could probably keep up with a base Gulia lol
The looks are perfect. It’s the palate cleanser we need after the Civic Type R.