
Now all that's left is for CERN to obtain the IBM 5100 to complete their plans for a dystopian future. El Psy Congroo

"Debbie Reynolds, who had been holding onto it for some reason. Closet Star Wars fan?" I love Gizmodo but I'm really starting to wonder about some of these articles...

Yeah man, I tell ya what, man. That dang ol' Siri, man. You just go on there and hold and swipe. Talk about W-W-dot-W-com. An' lotsa nekkid chicks on there, man. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. It's real easy, man.

Is compact slang for sex or something??

Not only did it tear its own arm off but the arm itself is still MOVING!

Looks like a good candidate for an Amber Alert.

The roads here are not that bad. Go to Mexico and then tell about bad roads. Some countries like Japan have impeccable roads but they also have massive money poured into public works (money that they have no idea how they will ever pay back).

While you at it tell us again about WTC7...

What a great father Matt Damon is.

seriously though, why did they make the phone icon identical to Apple's?

Wow, good thing we have a close up picture otherwise I might have said, "this new mini iPad looks awesome!". lol

Yeah, and like Norbs stated above Android looked like a Blackberry rip off until Google saw the iPhone during the pre-announcement in January of 2007 and suddenly Android morphed from a Blackberry to an iPhone...

While Xerox invented WIMP (window, icon, menu, pointing device), the folder metaphor in computing was not invented by them. That's Apple's idea. So in the end Google still stole that idea.

Heck, even if you say they stole the folders from Windows…Microsoft stole that folder concept from Apple's Lisa.

You know the minute I heard him say that I paused the video and thought, "Shhh…you might want to keep that to yourself."

Well, I'm already having problems. My appleid is a account back from the old iTools days. I was a mobileme subscriber up until last year (using the same address) until I finally got fed up with the service and canceled. Now when I try to sign into iCloud it thinks I'm a mobileme user and so it

The Performa 5200CD. It was an all in one PowerPC based machine clocked at 75Mhz running Mac OS 7.5. While beige it was still beautiful and had an awesome TV tuner capture card plus IR remote that allowed to me both watch and record TV plus edit. I cut my teeth with this thing and loved my Eudora Mail and Newswatcher

It's probably more like State Representatives just remembering how many d*ck picks they have on their phones and not wanting to run the political risk. lol

How do you think us IT guys manage to hang on to our jobs? Don't give away our secrets please (as obvious as they may seem to some people)

It's not backwards. You're just looking at the Japanese edition.