
Hmmm, not hand cuffed eh? Never heard of the guy but I'm going to assume he's probably caucasian.


We're living in a world were all laws involving Malum in Se have long ago been written and we are now just writing one useless Malum Prohibitum law after another. Sadly making laws that prohibit art to "protect the children", real or imaginary, is almost a yearly bipartisan circle jerk that Reps and Dems like to

They probably didn't want to chance it since it could have been a 'Bait Bike'...

Cool, I could combine these with my spywatch. lol.

So no more 2girls1cup?

That'll do spirit, that'll do.

Summary of Story: Woz 'Cool', Jobs 'Dick'

That would assume minorities visit Gizmodo.

Dude, right?! I never felt comfortable with the whole "our town is under water, and we should all be dead, but we're not" theme of Ponyo. Yeah, not something I want to re-watch anymore. Speaking of Japanese movies that parallel real events another one is Summer Wars. That's like 'PSN: The Movie'.

Generally speaking, at my workplace, we don't do hard drive upgrades on any of the recent iMacs due to the complexity in taking them apart. We refer those request over to authorized Apple repair centers. So this change will continue the status quo.

This one was pretty good

Let's see: maid outfit, glasses, hair bangs, braided twin tails, cute voice, cute face, cute figure, japanese/asian, and is a circuit modder? I'm surprised the universe didn't implode while I was watching this.

Now playing

This is true so he wouldn't be seeing PotC in either form.

In the last days of .Mac I used to remark how its webmail interface was the most beautiful in the industry. Then with MobileMe came that Javascript hell they call SproutCore. Worst Decision. The reason MobileMe webmail still sucks to this day because they're still using that damned framework. After 10 years of

I got one in my pocket. It's called an iPhone.

Yeah, that's been a chronic problem over the years with their "white" products turning yellow or getting discolored over time. The white iMacs are usually okay but things that are on the go like the portables and such end up looking pretty gross. Some of them even stink! (original 12" white iBook USB)

That guy must have watched "Machete".