
Yeah, then the story would read: "Undercover TSA Agent Sneaks Gun Through Airport’s Full-Body Scanners Five Times While Completely Ass Naked."

"If you stand for anything, you'll fall for nothing"

I like it a lot

@Møbius: Yeah, except we paid for them too. At least I think the close to 2Billion we send them every year could probably buy a few of these.

It's Kinect for your hands :-)

@Still not my name: I agree that most people do not use data and voice at the same time but…my wife who doesn't have GPS or maps on her phone constantly calls me up while she's driving to ask for directions; and so that whole talk on the iPhone while pulling up other internet apps feature (like Google Maps) applies at

cigar guy, chatroulette cat man, angry birds, miku vocaloid

@siwex80: We have sidewalks in the US?! Oh wait, I live Houston...

Is this thing even legal to drive? Though I could imagine myself driving down the highway at night with the turbine on and Elfman's Batman soundtrack full blast. That would be surreal. lol

@gary_7vn: All the females are at the iPhone line...

Glad to know the dates with my cousin have NOT been pointless.

@twitchykun(ate Schrödinger's cat): A moeblob of the blushing variety but like you I don't mind too much either. Though personally I do like her better in the Railgun series than Index.

@HallaEks: Life of Crime Rule #4: If you can't stay single, at least get yourself a decent hoodrat you can depend on.

Now playing

I think I like Japan's Railgun better :-)

@waclark57: Well, your message is a bit too long for me to reply back. We would need more of a forum type of environment. The only thing I'll say is that IF Homeland Security or Customs needed your SSN as part of a serious investigation, they could pull it up.

@waclark57: Every government agency has access to our SSN and personal information. Since we are so transparent with them they could at least be transparent with us. For the same reasons that a boss reserves the right to monitor an employee's communication while at work we should be able to monitor our government's

Everybody gets so focused on WikiLeaks and their prosecution that they miss the point entirely. The information could have been uploaded to MegaUpload for all that it mattered. If it wasn't WikiLeaks it could have been the hundreds of other ways of internet communication in existence from email, download sites or any

I've been on iTools/.Mac/MobileMe since day one (a decade) and I'm finely f-ing tired of it. I'm tired of Apple's endless ADD with this service. They tout features one year only to forget and deprecated them sometime later (email only accounts, homepage, etc). Don't even get me started on the piece of sh*t

@napilopez: I guess my other concern is that innocent people will get caught up in nets not meant for them. Basically you have a cold machine, making cold decisions based on 'probability' algorithms and IP addresses. It's like some of the false positives we saw with the RIAA cases except with REAL consequences of

This is mostly to catch the dumbasses on anonymous p2p networks and the web. There's already well-known encrypted networks like Perfect Dark. Add in the recent p2p copyright mass lawsuits going on and you'll soon see most of these protocols raise the ante with hardened encryption. Nice Going™.