
no. people don’t invest money into ‘researching proper drugs and doses’ because the very obvious, substantiated risks preclude any ethical researcher from dumping noxious chemicals into a baby just to test what’s safe. would you as a parent sign your baby up for a randomized controlled trial of the safety of pain

it’s not ‘myth and fear’ by any means. there is plenty of evidence that babies don’t experience pain in the same ways as adults. you need a mature nervous system to process and meaningfully internalize what you classically think of as pain. and like i said before, i’ve never met a doctor who didn’t believe that babies

no baby will ever experience subconscious neurotoxicity and cardiopulmonary arrest.

I spent the first weeks of my life in a NICU subjected to tests and procedures- don’t remember a moment of it- and am now months away from graduating medical school myself at the top of my class. Admittedly I am a single, anecdotal case, but you are equating ‘brain development,’ with ‘personality development,’ and

no baby will ever have subconscious neurotoxicity or cardiopulmonary arrest.

I spent the first weeks of my life in a NICU subjected to tests and procedures- don’t remember a moment of it- and am now months away from graduating medical school myself at the top of my class. Admittedly I am a single, anecdotal case, but you are equating ‘brain development,’ with ‘personality development,’ and