
Nokia will probably still use it in its lower-end phones. It's a perfectly functional OS for calling, texting and taking the occasional photograph.

Why would it take a year for Nokia to release a WP7 handset? Couldn't it theoretically just slap WP7 on an N8 and release it in a few months?

This could be a HUGE sponsorship opportunity for RIM. (Plus, its product is already called the "Playbook!)

@CaptainJack: Oh, I know that (poor phrasing on my part, sadly). What I meant to say was, will LG's choosing to go with a 9" screen produce any discernible benefits over going with a 10" screen? Pixel density enthusiasts might be happier, but it seems like an unnecessary choice to me at least.

Very nice, but why did LG choose to go with a 8.9" screen? I'm sure Honeycomb will be able to scale to its resolution, but why not go with a 10" or 7" screen to allow for relative uniformity in the Android tablet space?

Ironic, because the iPad was just released in India this week.

@ddhboy: Yeah, sucks for us Nexus One owners. Hopefully, we'll get it sometime in February. Otherwise, I might have to look into rooting my phone once the warranty expires (my phone has had two major hardware issues within 10 months of purchase and I'm not doing anything crazy until then!)

I disagree with your view on the wallet's looks. In my opinion, it looks relatively stylish for a biometrically secure wallet.

@Djnardu: Well, OLED screen variants such as AMOLED have actually reduced mobile battery life. Let's see how much battery life Sony can get out of this beast. If it's 5 hours or more while gaming, it'll be nothing short of miraculous!

I look forward to trying out this tablet, but I don't think it's going to make too much of a dent in the iPad's sales with that price!

Yeah, I don't wash my jeans for a month at least (although I rarely wear them during weekdays.)

Nice case, but the company better start thinking about producing one for iPad 2.

@Mag: That would be pretty awesome, haha. I know I could have used that a few times myself.

First Sudoku solving on the fly and now this?! Damn Google, what won't you come up with next?! I sure could have used this a few months ago when I was travelling (the Goggles text translate feature was quite handy though!)

@CrymeLord: "I'm not fat, I'm big-boned!"

@CaptainJack: Actually, I remember reading this rumour sometime back as well (I don't have an article to back my claim, but I'm pretty sure I read it!) I guess we'll have to wait till Ballmer's keynote to find out!

The design and colour choices look really neat. Well done, Fiskars!

@Ditchdigger: Seriously. Thanks a lot, Geohot! (Even though I didn't use the otherOS feature, I still felt cheated. I liked having the option to turn my PS3 into a lean mean Linux machine).