
@Michael Scrip: Yup, you're right, I meant aspect ratio. My bad!

Looks interesting, but why would Samsung put such an odd resolution on the tablet? I can't think of any application which might benefit from this resolution offhand; additionally, it might face some scaling issues even though Android is fairly friendly towards products with multiple screen resolution

@Hello Mister Walrus: Oh sorry, I misunderstood the article. Yes, I meant food/toy combo availability, and you do bring up some valid points about cartoon mascots and advertisements during cartoons. Heck, they should even look into banning the consumption of junk food during cartoons. I can't even imagine what a show

I can understand the thought process behind this, but shouldn't people have the right to choose what they eat? I am all for healthy food, but I find this attempt to regulate food availability quite baffling, to say the least.

@Solar Midnite: Agreed. I thought they look relatively stylish, especially when compared to other 3-D glasses.

@Serolf Divad: Wouldn't it just have the stock Android 2.1 browser on it?

Kat, the article mentions that "Apple products" showed up 2,438 times on TV in September, not just the iPad.

@DaveExile: Very good point. I personally see nothing wrong with this: most companies practice tax mitigation to varying degrees. Google's tax rate just happens to be really low.

@vinod1978: You and I know that, but for the countless non-techies and for people who want to stay connected, BBM does provide the benefit of network effects and (relative) ease of use. I've even heard of some cases where girls give out BBM pins instead of phone numbers at clubs these days.

@Guizzy: Great comment. It's nice to see such a great article from John that offers a perspective that's not specs and OS focused, especially after the somewhat high-handed tone taken by the N8 non-review.

@vinod1978: I don't think RIM is done in retail outside the US. BBM is a huge draw for a ton of people, especially in my country. Even though the phones are relatively inadequate as smartphones, they get the job done for most people who just want to send texts, emails and BBMs.

How can the Japanese complain about the American base in Okinawa when they have Batman protecting them?! (No offense to any Okinawans out there).

@leGodt: Wow, I've never seen Batman look so... non-threatening before.

@Idoitforthelulz: Agreed. I can't imagine a world without ice-cream (actually, that's what hell probably is).

@Seventhexile Speaks: That's great! Congratulations again! I lost around 30 pounds two years ago myself; I'm currently 10-11 pounds above my lowest weight right now, but I'm working on it.

A popular app that's free on Android and paid-for on the iPhone?!! I'll make sure to carry a pair of ice skates around with me in case I depart this world anytime soon.

@Seventhexile Speaks: Wow, your weight loss is quite amazing. Congrats! What kind of exercise routine did you follow?

@learniiburn: Didn't Lifehacker already do something similar? Gizmodo linked to those articles as well.

iPhone 4 - I already have a Nexus One, and would like to spend some more time with iOS4, which I can't do on my first-gen Touch.

@CoLdBLaDe: Not necessarily. In my opinion, Blackberries are not winners when viewed from the standpoint of modern consumer smartphones.