I find it hilarious that it is literally in better condition than every single one of Tracy’s projects.
I find it hilarious that it is literally in better condition than every single one of Tracy’s projects.
I’m glad companies are focusing on the new breakthrough technology that is video. Not many people know this, but video can go on the internet. Already we are seeing the video in popular web pages like Fusplinivision and CNN News where it is huge hit probably and not an annoying waste of time at all.
It means their reporters had better stand for the goddamn national anthem.
Perhaps I could interested you in a Paunch Burger franchise?
Sure. Can it do backwards wheelies? I think not!
Actually, intangible windows are completely immune to blasts, they don’t take any damage from them at all.
Range Rover Phelps Edition.
The videos had to be edited since the cameras were also manufactured by Alfa, and thus broke down during the shoot.
No. If you’re going to respect the guys who chose to kneel or not come out for the anthem, then you have to respect someone who chose to come out and stand for it. Dude’s an Army vet and made his own decision. That should be supported, otherwise, you’re a hypocrite. We need less of those these days.
I’m sure that it will happen. We already have a bevy of people working on various ways to hack autonomous systems.
Because after all, these days she’s “not so sure” that it was “her fault”... So if she decides now that it wasn’t her fault, it’s not hard to connect the dots. Who do you think she will believe the fault lies with?
My lawyer says I’m to stop answering questions like this.
Hell yes. I need this in real life.
As I was boarding my southwest flight earlier this week, I thought to myself “I’m surprised Jalopnik hasn’t done a “Here’s why there are spirals on airplane engine impeller cones” and poof it’s here.