
When Biden announced he was running, I audibly groaned. “No one wants Biden to be president!,” I said. I thought there was no way anyone would go out of their way to vote for him.

Rosemary’s baby? Once the sunglasses come off, his eyes will be a dead giveaway.

That little bit of idiocy requires me to dig way back in the gif bag for an oldie.

This woman deserves a lifetime award in comedy. I snorted up through my nose milk I drank in second grade.

It’s just tradition. Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One while in the air, after all.

The only authoritative law would be the Constitution (including Amendment 20), which establishes the date and time, but no other details. It is reasonable to assume that the prescribed time should be interpreted to be Eastern Standard Time, so the inauguration could be held in Red Square and it would still be

You magnificent bastard, you.

Hi, I have some questions about the color palette she chose.

Ugh. What a piece of racist shit. That’s not even dog-whistling. 

I hope the good people of DC stay home and don’t give these assholes any excuses. 

frankly I just don’t think they have the guts to incite an actual civil war. At their cores they are opportunistic chickenshit bullies, meaning they will show up heavily armed (unironically waving confederate flags and maybe Nazi stuff too), strut around in front of the cameras and look tough, maybe set some stuff on

“Link please” often seems to work

See, I find they double-down when I use that line. The truth is out there if you look in the right places, don’t trust the MSM, liberals are soooo condescending, at least I didn’t vote for the pedo president. Et al.

Whenever I’ve been met with the ‘do your own research’ reply, I say “no, you’ve made your thesis statement, now prove it to me, CITE YOUR WORK”.  Almost always get back blank stares at that.

What fresh hell is this? What an unadulterated, raw, uncut, fishscale level of socioeconomic humble-brag.

I felt uncomfortable around them, and instead of making them uncomfortable with my discomfort, I chose to remain in my discomfort.

Ehh, the anti-vaxx horror show is where the nuts on the left & right come together fo celebrate their joint stupidity!

Trafficking of the true “stranger abducts (almost always white) kids to sell them into sex slavery” essentially NEVER happens, every single number about human trafficking that gets bandied about by the media and “nonprofits” is wildly over-inflated and based on garbage data, yet because there’s no political points to