Sad, yes, and undoubtedly true. I just hope the smashed furniture, windows, etc., goes into a memorial that is placed in the Capitol - the Domestic Terrorism Event of 1/6/21. Lest we forget (that Republicans caused this).
Sad, yes, and undoubtedly true. I just hope the smashed furniture, windows, etc., goes into a memorial that is placed in the Capitol - the Domestic Terrorism Event of 1/6/21. Lest we forget (that Republicans caused this).
What the hell is it?
“An Unconventional Rape-Revenge Movie” ... are you saying that there are Conventional Rape-Revenge Movies?
Ignoring sh*t that actually harms kids? Republicanism?
Pumpkin Spice Latte.
Maybe when Trump gets sentenced to from 15 to 30 and escapes to Moscow he’ll begin to “fade away.”
Don’t make me laugh! Trump can’t go out in sunlight!
Alone in a room: 1 Republican = a reasonable person. 2 Republicans = a conspiracy. 3 Republicans = a revival. 4 Republicans = an attempted coup.
Look, JoeB knows the score, don’t think he doesn’t. Psound bytes like these are all in code, code the oppo knows - hell, they invented it. “An epiphany will occur” = “wise up, jerks”; “soul of the nation” = “we got the voters and the votes”; “concensus” = “eff you, anyone who looks like you, and the horse you rode in…
Just a little off the top.
Listen carefully. There! Hear that? The sound of a million Trump followers coughing & dying from COVID.
And shrubbery!
And for the record, they don’t smell, they stink.
Killer Myths?
This was a fun article, I really enjoyed reading it, thank you. In the great Venn diagram of life, Writers encircles Journalists. I would never call myself a Journalist - I haven’t the eye, ear, nose, or throat for it. But Writer? Sure. I note that, up around paragraph something-something where Ruth B-A-2 R’s, 2 T’s…
Sorry for the late reply, but I wanna tell ya my B-52 story. My dad was in SAC (Lt Col) and we were stationed in Massachusetts at Westover AFB. Soon after the Cuban Missile Crisis (remember that? I sure do!) JFK(!!) came to our base and watched as we put every B-52 in the air in 7.5 minutes. That’s because, even as a…
“Work it out for yourself!” - mentoring approach of 99&44/100% of male scientists.
What is Jared doing in Toronto?
Sue the office of the GSA and Emily Murphy in her personal and private capacity. The Re-pubes love to resort to lawsuits. That door swings both ways.
And that part, the “lawfully” part, could be changed pretty easily.