
The worse aspect of this is that the trainer felt they had offended a friend. Later, they were podding together, apparently laughing, but still, letters had gone out. I (personally) would not have cared a fig about the lawyers, but would have cried a river over a lost friendship.

Item 1: Every HoJo’s and Cracker Barrel could have superchargers.

So, um ... I don’t get it. Is this article about my ex?

I would like to confirm that the plague IS on the New York City subway. The Black Death rides each morning from Queens down to Manhattan and returns each evening to Queens. Because of the long day, 7:00 AM out to 7:00 PM return, it is speculated that the Black Death is employed in the financial district, or, perhaps

The White House isn’t worth it if we have to “scale back the vision” and abandon our principles AGAIN. The White House isn’t worth it if we have to lie to get there.

SON OF A F*CKIN’ BITCH!! I am a life-long Democrat (well, since Kennedy at any rate) and I would rather we NEVER take the White House if it means we abandon our principles AGAIN!

Eet ees only a theen waafer.

Love, and hugs, and everything tender and kind. 

<This is TERRIBLE! I fully realize its awfulness. But this IS the Internet.>

On the subject of drapeau blanc and tea making, Girls Und Panzer anime ain’t that far off, is it?

Christ on a crutch, T.I., do it yourself. It’s what you wanna do, after all. 

Close. IMHO, Clinton was impeached as payback for Nixon. 

Good question. I assume you’re asking, What Happens When The Queen Dies (after the dancing in the streets tapers off to merely a loud racket)?

They were in your pants all along, Sleepy Joe. All you had to do was look down. 

That’s beautiful. And they could do it over, say, the next three seasons, where the racist caricature’s nose could, like, take over the whole visual field. By the third year nobody will remember it wasn’t a potato.

OMG. He’ll be an ex-President and “Senior Statesman.” I can only hope he’ll be either 1) in prison or 2) overseas (Red Square is nice this time of year, I hear).

You Are The Reason Treason ... ... ...by Calum Scott

If everything’s treason then nothing’s treason. Haven’t you watched The Incredibles?  

This. Over the years I’ve known several members of the Border Patrol. Decent folks, by and large, doing a difficult job. Now-a-days, it looks like the wingnuts have taken over the agency. 

Even close to the camera it looks so ... small.