I’m not into furries, but in the picture above, do the three cutsies even SEE Death’s Head Deer Skull behind them!?
I’m not into furries, but in the picture above, do the three cutsies even SEE Death’s Head Deer Skull behind them!?
Love it! On a somewhat more scientific note, a “jungle” is what you get when you cut down a large swatch of rain forest and allow everything to grow back at the same rate.
Heng is a race traitor Republican whore.
I’m thinking the chocolate factory guy. Now HE’S a Capitalist! Mmmmm, Oompa-Loompas ... ...
Because I’m a Democrat :)
Take a deep breath, m’Spud. They want to be angry at Republicans for acting like Republicans. I, too, would prefer that the Democrats acted as though they understood the concept of guile, and that Republicans are full of it. I agree with you - this was a home goal.
Democrats know that Republicans are liars.
It’s where they expect it least.
She grew.
The only thing you can do to a man named Scooter is to laugh at him.
At least he doesn’t have his father’s verbal tic: 12,000 lies and counting.
And the grammatical errors. I mean, it’s “clever individuals WHO” not “clever individuals THAT”, Jeremy.
C’mon now. Don’t start up that whole “are Jews White?” thing, okay? It’s just ... not now ... please ...
Oh. Oh dear. Bingo, bango, bongo.
These are industry-standard rates based on what we think we can get away with.
Take two, they’re small. And ask for an empty Venti pronto grazie amico/a.
The person who said “the only bad publicity is no publicity” needs to read this post. Thank you, Mr. Heck.
As she falls out of the sky?
Yeah, ever again. He made “Chocolat” which is so beautiful I can forgive him almost anything.