
Even if it’s a one-way street. ESPECIALLY in Houston!

Hello, Hello. You’re right, ND is wrong. 80%+ of Americans say they’re “Middle Class.” Class has nothing to do w/ income, as you and I well know, it has to do with values.

Ziploc. The Kleenex Band-Aid Xerox of plastic bags.

Yep. There ARE 470 one-year-olds running for President!

Which Zombies? The Texas ZZ Top ones or the English-sorta ones?

Is there any way to describe Delaney other than Doofus?

Take thy star.

Me, too. Mine was of dinosaurs. There wasn’t color film in those days. So I hear.

Who knows what colors lurk in the hearts of men? The Ham-No knows!!

This is THE BEST title to a Gizmodo site article in the history of FOREVER!

Oh, dull bicks. I read the article - interesting but waaay long - and it missed the crucial, singular point: the reason high performance merican muscle cars still use SUPERchargers is because it has the word SUPER in it. Add a SUPER to anything and we want it, we’ll buy it.

Mueller has also been a patriot longer than the President. Of course, that could be 5 minutes ... 


It appears that a Straight Pride Parade is a Gay Pride Parade under any other name.

When the trainer says STOP and the boxer says GO the trainer has to be given precedence.

“Thousands of People Die Annually Because States Refuse to Expand Medicaid”

Oh, oh, oh, PooJavelin ... take your stars!

Some hung around like strange fruit.

Yeah, take your star and THANKS for the insert!

Technically, they tried enslaving Native Americans but 1) they died of diseases at a high rate and 2) having a unified language they sometimes rose up and slaughtered Mr & Mrs Massa*.