Nah. Credit risk owners driving cheap appliances.
Tesla is forcing it on me. I don’t own a Tesla, I didn’t sign their EULA, yet pictures of me, my car, my house, etc. will all be available in their database with GPS coordinates and time/date stamp attached.
Yeah, I see your point, but in my mind it’s still a problem.
You serious? Uber alone should have disabused you of this Pollyanna notion. They track everything and let to your face about it. You’re delusional if you believe otherwise.
How about now they’re collecting your Tesla’s GPS verified location and my Subaru’s license plate number at the same time?
I’ll get you good money it’s a GM tranny. TH400 based, maybe 700R4.
I cried through the first scene in SPR. Not seeing this one.
It’s not just police brutality. There’s a whole host of items in this country that congress is failing to address- education, health care, wealth disparity, wage stagnation, trade imbalance, industrial decay, etc, etc, etc- and those affect the white devil too. It’s completely acceptable to hate congress as a whole.
What is your point, and why do you keep repeating it? The guy acknowledged that Sanders won the D primary and goes on to demonstrate that it was unlikely he would have won against Trump there. Those statements aren’t mutually exclusive, so why do you keep harping on it?
200s aren’t bad, interior trim tends to break early, but that tranny.....
It’s the best way. Start driving a bunch of rentals. Pick different brands, different trim levels, different mileages. You get a feel very quickly for which manufacturers have shit under control and which ones are desperate.
Best comment in the whole thread.
If you bought a heavy duty GM in the mid-aughts the last GM big block was not worth paying for over the newish 6.0.
I would be interested in having a conversation about why nationalists/fascists are showing so strongly in western democracies with someone who’s default position is NOT “because people are assholes”.
I’ve never castigated women for wanting abortions. I haven’t argued that abortion should be illegal. I haven’t claimed moral high ground.
You shut your whore mouth.
I’m glad you survived the ectopic pregnancy, but don’t be so dramatic. If you hadn’t had insurance you’d have used the ER, like many poor people do now. Let’s not pretend that if you’re poor your only option is to die tragically. Not desiring to pay for abortions doesn’t make me a murderer, no matter how angry you are…
Cross fit jerks, amirite?
I was talking about skiing. That is a dangerous activity. I was not talking about sex. In any case, there was no judgement either way. I just don’t want to pay the medical bills because you can’t afford them.