
I’m not unclear. I’ve never made a moral argument. I’ve said I am in favor of either funding ALL mistake remediation or NO mistake remediation. I am not in favor of our current system where some people get funds to pay for the resolution of self inflicted problems and others do not based on an emotional and unclear

I think you replied to the wrong post. I’ve not characterized sex as dangerous or argued for/against birth control.

I think you replied to the wrong post. I’ve not characterized sex as dangerous or argued for/against birth control.

Universal health care does shield everyone. I think that should be the system we have. But it’s not, so stop pretending that we’re covering abortions under a system that doesn’t exist in the US. You’re advocating paying for abortions under the hybrid system we have now where I pay for my health insurance AND a

How is my analogy bad?

Who’s paying for the bone-setting? Private insurance? I don’t care. If you’re asking that federal funds be directed to hospitals in the mountain west to cover skiing accidents, pound sand. The victim who knowingly engaged in dangerous activity can work out a payment plan with the hospital.

Why does a woman wanting an abortion require us to pay for it? If you want one, go get one. There are many places that provide abortions for a fee. What we’re really arguing about is who pays for it.  

I don’t support access, and I don’t support access for smokers and drinkers.

Hot take: you don’t need guns to HAVE a functioning democracy, you need them to PREVENT a functioning oligarchy/dictatorship.

A. They aren’t republicans, they’re fascists.

This right here is some great commenting.

$2.46 a mile? That’s less than it cost Tracy to go to Moab.

Why do we prosecute hate crimes differently? A dead trans is still dead.

“It’s your hand, Buckaroo!!”

I like the cut of your jib. You won’t make headway here, but I’m enjoying the effort.

‘00 Scooby Outback.

Chryslers are fine rentals. I didn’t like the heated seat buttons being in the display on the Pacifica yesterday, but my choices were Pacifica or Sentra and that’s a no-brainer. I like the 200 better than the Altima too, but since I’m usually at Nissan stores I grab the Altima for camouflage. NFW I’m driving a Versa

Canzano is going to get fired.

Somebody just needs to tell the Venezuelans those jobs are gone and never coming back and that they should re-train in a different skill set.

Tl;dr Used local knowledge to avoid appearing touristy and getting ticket.