
She admitted to her crime on camera. What good would a donation do, you fucking idiot?

She climbed the ladder, with the rope, so she gets the most credit, and her day in court. I hope she wins.

yikes, tweeted on international women’s day too...

Not inferior, different. If you believe in diversity you believe in different, right? Have you followed up on the science?

Sexism and bigotry are wrong, and it cuts both ways. Institutionalized preferential or discriminatory treatment based on gender or race is sexist / bigoted. Attributing words to somebody “saying that an entire group of people are naturally inferior” when they never said it is just dishonest and anti-intellectual.

I think that we may have to agree to disagree, as I feel that he did not have the intentions of suggesting and facilitating discussion, merely using those terms to get his foot in the door.

Let me just say I applaud you for expanding on what you were thinking instead of choosing mindless insults. It is appreciated. I think your point would go a lot farther if you did that in the future.

WOAH! Dude. Okay let’s go over a few things.

So... ostracizing people for trying to create discussion around controversial issues? Great idea. Note my sarcasm.

So you got a guy fired for saying he’ll be fired for even considering a thought that is not in line with groupthink, and now you expect us to believe that a joke about masturbation was sexist?

That’s kinda like suing themselves, given that the HOA is small. Also, fuck HOAs.

I’m a sicko lib as much as anyone here, but I feel like people in rural areas who own shotguns for exactly this kind of scenario shouldn’t be targets in conversations about gun control. It’s just kinda weird to me that dudes (real talk) who own a bunch of AR-15s and what-the-fuck-ever are treated as the same political

Religion of peace & tolerance tho!!!!!

At some point, shouldn’t some of this stuff be sniffed out by readers without needing triple checked sources? Henry Cavill receiving $14 million for Man of Steel with only The Tudors and Immortals as his prior big roles just doesn’t make sense logically and shouldn’t get past a skeptical mind.

It’s kinda funny when people bring the Mulford Act up like it was solely a GOP idea. 3/5 of co-sponsers were (D), it passed in a (D) controlled assembly and was signed by a (R) governor.

Right wing conservative here - my head is still intact.

FWIW, I own the Criterion edition of this movie, it’s still in my downtimes movie playlist. Just because it isn’t the original poster’s spirit guide for handling cross-cultural issues doesn’t mean it can’t still be good and meaningful in other ways.

I can only imagine what kind of “art” we would be left with if people like him had a say.

The comrade has ruled that it is PROBLEMATIC! DOWN THE MEMORY WITH IT!

Now, apparently, race has to be dragged into everything because its sooooo edgy.