
I am all for blaming Trump for the problems that he has caused. However, blaming him for the insecurity in Nigeria and an attack by a Terrorist group in that country is a little far fetched. While the US has helped with combating Terrorist organizations the blame for those attacks lies straight at the feet of its

“Mentally ill person does mentally ill act and blames airline”

If you actually drove them or even just read any review you would know they drive better than the internet commenters hyperbole would have you believe.

She was found to have lied about numerous things related to her claim.

despite how she lied about the rape that made her famous in the first, but yeah she’s a great a great artist!

I deeply resent the argument that asks why a woman doesn’t leave a situation like this is victim blaming. This was not a case where she was threatened or intimidated. It was an evening where she felt uncomfortable with the sexual activity she was actively participating in, and did not stand up for herself and say no

Umm No. Men should learn/listen to non-verbal cues.

The story was told so poorly that it’s hard to say, but I think your take may make the most sense.

My takeaway? Old time views on courtship and pursuit cannot co-exist with modern feminism. Do away with “non-verbal cues.” Millennial women cannot harp on affirmative consent and then say “But I gave you non-verbal cues.” Can’t have it both ways.

If it cries, use less salt, Mike.

So they’re no different than the rest of the internet then? So why are we giving them special attention? Stop whoring attention on them, I guarantee that this headline will show up on one of my feeds when I get home later tonight, and lots of others, causing them to look this guy up, giving him more views, know whose

Then nobody would be president.

I’m More concerned that you are concerned with the size of a 70 year old man’s penis, very concerned...

Tweeted around 7:50 PM, which is prime time for sundowners. Just sayin.

Looks to me like virtue signalers are very vocal, but don’t buy comics....

I bought every issue of America to do my lil part in attempting to encourage Marvel to do more stuff like this, but honestly cancelling it is doing the book a mercy. It reeeally never got any better. I hope this doesn’t taint Rivera’s comics career too seriously - she had some wonderful ideas, the execution was just

All horror is actually comedy.

“we also, maybe, shouldn’t be more outraged than the victim.”

I’m not justifying this behavior.