
If the black guys had been replaced by white women what would you have said?

Got racism? Your lack of introspection is amazing.

Thanks for the article. It’s interesting to see everyone’s opinion in one place. The Economist did a little research and found

Good for her and taking this guy to court.

Because they have no other argument than to call people names.

The reason why the conviction rate is low is because in many cases the only evidence is the accusers testimony. Going forward we should all record our sexual encounters.

Incredibly craven pandering move. There, are you happy?

If my gun doesn’t go bang, I want the manufacturer held to the strictest liability standards

BS. This woman is guilty. Wouldn’t you say you just happened to pick up the necklace to get out of a life sentence?

Which books is that?


But the president’s proposals wouldn’t have prevented any of the school shootings.

What do you mean likenesses? These are the real Kardashians.

The Resnicks only produce about 6% of California’s almond production. Shouldn’t a state with a dry Mediterranean climate produce ag products suitable and expensive enough to pay high water prices?

You are correct. The people protesting this are scaremongering.

Most revolvers sold today are double action/single action which means you can either cock the hammer for a light trigger press or pull the trigger to cock the hammer which is a lot harder.

Since the M4 is capable of select burst fire, it is not available to civilians. The most danger thing this jerk has is his XBox. This idiot probably used his home Internet account to post this threat and was therefore quickly caught.

Alcatel/One Touch Idol 3. Great screen, battery life and audio quality.

A few days after 9/11 anniversary, kid brings a suspicious looking contraption to class and, despite warnings to put it away because it looks suspicious, plugs it in and sets off the alarm in class.

Norman invasion, 1066