Mike Johnson

Not really racist per say but maybe it’s time to start applying the standards of not holding one’s race against them more evenly so as to diffuse some of the tension that exists. Otherwise it’s just going to continue to get worse.

“Which begs the real question”

You’re using the term “begging the question” incorrectly, moron. 

We come here to mock black stupidity.  It’s fun to mock stupid people.

Quit confusing world-renowned idiot Harriot with the facts.

Black people make up less than 8% of Seattle, but over half of all annual homicides in Seattle are committed by black men. See the Seattle PI’s annual homicide tally articles for proof.

Maybe black men should stop committing such a gigantically disproportionate shitload of violent crimes.

Wait, so you are twisting facts to support an idea or agenda? If your “disproportionate” comment is fact, then you’ll also agree out of the ~1000 people a year killed by police, that police have many more interactions with blacks than with whites. So, taking the CDC study from 2014, blacks are 4 times more likely to

Why don’t you link to federal or state crime rates instead of bullshit oddball websites?
This is a rhetorical question. I already know it's because you're racist trash.

Because white people aren’t thugs like black people. Same reason cops hardly shoot any Asians.

I know this may sound crazy... but a car and a horse are two different things.


Do you know how fucked up you have to be to lose any and all custody of your children? Not only that, those boys don’t want to have anything to do with their mother. She has severe history of substance abuse including but limited to alcohol and cocaine. As mentioned, she was found unconscious from an overdose by her

Seriously, if you’re going to vet your movie collection for abusers, rapists, sexual harassers, kiddie molesters, you’re going to have to remove a lot of content.

You sort of do. They can, you know, vote.

As far as I can tell, the only purpose of this series is to make Tim feel cool for providing a gif or picture with no context that like 5 people will get, and they can all smell each other’s farts and feel superior because they have nothing going on in life outside of understanding extremely obscure internet

Some people forget the Giants drafted Phillip Rivers in ‘04 and the Chargers drafted Eli but Eli & Archie forced a trade. If you look at Eli’s numbers vs Rivers since that draft, Rivers is better in pretty much every category except for Super Bowl rings stumbled into.

“someone else with an AR would have filled the void”

Go fuck yourself.

If the military had reported Kelley’s domestic violence conviction, he would not have been able to buy that AR. Kerr should better educate himself before opining. But we’re now in the era of there’s-a-microphone-in-my-face-so-I-must-give-my-two-cents.

You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.

She is crapped on because she is a successful white woman. The right craps on her because she is a woman who dared to be successful. The left craps on her because she is a white person who dared to be successful. People just look for any excuse to be petty.