“dodgy contract”
“dodgy contract”
It seems like in this age of political correctness a subset of people think that companies should just allow their employees to do WETFTW even if it impacts the business.
“an unfair burden” ...what a crock of shit...
Since you’ve decided to take a hostile tone to the issue I’d suggest you lay down for a nice cuddly sleep in the bed you made.
try listening to it
I know most here are like “Republican spoke, fuck whatever he said” but I’m independent, and aside from some people’s desire to ridicule anything remotely approaching religion I’m trying to figure out what he said in this instance that was so explosive or inflammatory. He said “lets not rebuild a house 40 times, lets…
You’re arguements of white privilage and black appropriation fall on my deaf ears when it’s made clear by the facts that:
I wonder how much money (100.00 in this case) is wasted fighting over this word, that could be better used maybe feeding a starving kid or something actually important. We’re way off base with our priorities as a society. It is kind of depressing. I’ll take on anyone who wants to debate me on that.
Whether people want to admit it or not the vast majority of SJW feign outrage to advance their social/political agenda. Many more follow them for fear of losing money. Most people black and white don’t actually care about the word being used. It’s kind of comedic that we waste so many resources fighting over a word.…
This is shocking and surprising to three groups.
You all are friggen rediculous. The whole problem with your arguement, ESPECIALLY the fish pictures is that you’ve all of a sudden decided that a fucking picture is a bigger problem to solve then something else, like anything else that is an actual problem facing humanity. If people can take pictures next to their…
so.. ~2 per year.. and 2 crazy men per year out of 151 million men. Do you realize what a miniscule percentage that is to base any sort of gun control legislation over? Don’t you think that those 2 guys will find a gun no matter what if this is the avenue they choose to take? And WHY do people still think that…
Because the majority of the world outside of this community literally doesn’t give a shit. Men and Women alike. It’s a cold dark reality for feminists, but reality nonetheless. You spend all your days and nights wasting energy complaining and trying to change fundamental biological truths about men instead of a.…
I agree with him for many health issues. I believe as a society we need to begin to make a distinction. I think we should have universal health insurance and I also think we need a much higher level of personal accountability for the costs we incur for our actions. If you take the basic concept of insurance it is a…
Not buying it. Who goes to a hotel room to “watch people having sex” People don’t deserve to be raped and people also don’t deserve to have false accusations ruin their lives. You all have already convicted the guy with no evidence other than an identifying mark visible to the public. Hope he walks away.
There are activities that while legal and should be safe in a perfect world are inherently too risky to participate in. Riding a cycle on a road is one of those. You can list a litany of reasons why it SHOULD be legal, and SHOULD be more protected and why people SHOULD be more careful. You can do that all day long..…
You’re factually incorrect on that. Fuel taxes go in large part to pay for roads. That doesn’t mean all road money comes from the gas tax. That would be a different statement. But it was a nice story to tell in justification of your invalid point. Not even sure where you came up with the “higher proportion” part
Yeah, sorry, but I’ve always told my kids that riding on the road isn’t the best decision you can make. Share the road and all that, but whatever happens with the distracted driver after the fact, you’re still dead. In and age when we force seatbelts and motorocycle helmets I don’t understand why we allow this…
I’ll tell you why. People are sick of stuff like this. People are sick of women who use their looks and sex for money and publicity (She did... because it’s a good idea) and then try and take a moral stand against people who objectify them for for their looks and sexuality. Internalized misogyny is the latest bullshit…
If you don’t see how dangerous applying this term is this situation then you’ve got blinders on. This is exactly what has been warned about in certain circles when debating the government’s extraordinary powers as they relate to the handling of terrorism cases. When everything can be tagged as terrorism and that term…