Mike Johnson

Yeah it is really sad, especially since the shit black people say when white people aren’t around is so wholesome and peaceful. We’re a nation divided with a lot of hate. The only excuse that black people have is that they claim justification for their hate. Maybe you and a lot of people agree with them...good luck

especially some choice pages in the women’s apparel section.

I’m surprised there weren’t more complaints on the f-bombs. They didn’t bother me, but I noted the same thing.. there were probably 10-15 dropped.

Calling Bullshit. Seems like this is becoming a new line of business for the K’s & J’s

Yeah, but you can also delete all of that, and it is gone forever. No one can ever listen to it again. So, in the future, if you delete that stuff, the government will never be able to get it and use it against you.

I get it that the guy is a dirtbag. I am not in anyway defending him, but it seems very odd for Jezebel to sensationalize the opioid angle at the expense of the woman.

No one ever can or wants to answer this question. Setting aside all the benefits of diversity, why can’t an equally funded majority monitory school have as successful a rate of education and advancement? I get it that there are school districts in the country where tax revenue isn’t distributed equally and that is

Um, because whether anyone wants to admit it.. most men and many women want to see them?

There are lots of ways to be at Disney World that include the ride photos.

Petty stories like this are an embarrassment. There are so many real problems to write and inform about. Who give shit if he likes his steak well done with ketchup.

So often people want to play the “The first amendment only applies to the government” card. All that shows is that they actually don’t value free speech. The underlying spirit of the First Amendment is that free thought is allowed to flow for the betterment of society. Every single person out there probably has

Listen. I think there needs to be a better system to allow people who love this country to come in and work and be safe from harassment. But she broke the law...multiple times...and then she went out and protested (WHY?!?!) and got herself arrested again. If we want a better system then we need to change the law. If

yeah.. cause there aren’t actual hardships and tragedies in the world we instead could all spend our energy and resources solving.

I hope that you never have real and overbearing problems in your life to worry about. I hope you can continue on your entire career stirring up trivial problems to gripe about.

I’m not saying that it is a lock in, but when you’re talking about Miranda Kerr you at least have a great starting point for good sex. Odds are in your favor for sure. Just sayin’

I’m with George. You paid to see his show. So either. 1. You didn’t really know the humor and now you do, so you should respectfully leave because you don’t agree. 2. You knew the type of humor and bought seats looking for a chance to show your ass. She’s the one being disrespectful regardless of the content. People

Exactly... and I believe you have the right to exist and express your opinion that you hate Muslims just for being Muslims, or white people just for being white.. When a black person says “I hate white people” no one crucifies them. It’s all just self-righteousness. People love to feign support for fundamental rights

Yes, I was convinced of the value you place on intelligent discourse after your first response.

I actually never said I supported the ban. I don’t support the ban. I do support people being able to hold and express their own thoughts and opinions and not be crucified for them no matter how unpopular they are. That to me is a far more foundation concept of this country than our immigration policy. 

First. I support universal government funded health insurance (with common sense limits). Just to establish that I’m not a right wing troll.