Mike Johnson

Because he shouldn’t have to apologize and have his character assassinated because of your personal issues. He did nothing racist and every one of us would lash out far worse if forced to defend ourselves over baseless contrived accusations.

Serious question. How would you execute Matt Damon’s life? He was born and grew up and took on a trade and does excellent work. He was hired for a role and worked extremely hard. Why can’t people just leave him the fuck alone if they don’t like him, the movie, or the director. Why does he have to be punished for your

This is the golden age of the contrived controversy. It amazes me that people actually have time in their lives to create and fight made up issues like this. Very sad really. They would probably have much better lives if they poured their engery into hard work building their personal future.

So is Jez going to take every opportunity to make things worse for Trump (and in turn, the US) ? Seems Very Patriotic.

As has been stated, thats punishing the innocent. Do the kids on this team, in this year need to pay for that? If you say yes, you’re really just being disengenious.

The NCAA has turned “punishing the innocent” into a national pastime. The same goes for the Notre Dame sanctions. It is really kind of ridiculous.

I made a similiar point in another post. I think the number of truely elite qb’s we’ve ever seen you can count on one hand. All the rest including Luck and Cousins are products of their situation. When the situation changes... they can look far better.. or far worse.

In real estate it’s all location location location. With QB’s it’s all situation situation situation. I’m so sick of hearing about how this quarterback is elite and that quarterback isn’t, and he’s (all QBs) only good because of the guys around him and he’s good in spite of the guys around him. I say all this, but

I’m sorry.. but you have some facts wrong in this story. Please refer to this graphic.

Probably 5 people that joined because it was an easy way to see the world and get college paid for. You’ve got to expect that some portion of military totally buys into the left-wing propaganda with the same fervor as right-wingers.


I think the point is...which I 100% agree with is that the excess weight has been excused so much in society and people are so worried about hurting someone’s feelings that we’re no longer being honest. I’m sorry, but I teach my kids EXACTLY her point. Sure you can be happy and even healthy to a point with excess

Nice contempt and elitism there. Something the Left has become amazingly adept at. We’re never going to be able to fix our country’s issues when your starting point is that 1/2 our citizens are morons. PSA: The “morons” aren’t going anyplace after Nov 2.

Surely you know that there are just as many incredibly ignorant people on the left as are on the right. It’s just another case of excusing your own and self-righteousness which has become so prevalent in American life.

Sorry.. but.. this is a silly post... honestly. I say this because we need to have intelligent debates based on facts (which I’m not getting into “his” facts)

And feminists wonder why feminists get a bad rap.. maybe because they’re ready to excuse straight-up crazy because a man said he was trying to make sure the woman was safe... fuck you guys.. go it alone.

I just lost 5 minutes of my life.

I would posit that it isn’t worthy of claim for a person or culture to say they invented “pussy popping”. If they would like to take it as their’s then there is an entire world full of more refined people that would gladly allow these people to claim that one as theirs.

This is what is wrong with this country. You can choose to act as indignant as you want because Trump supporters are saying things that offend you. You can call them monster’s all day long, but that is not going to solve anything. You probably feel that there are some things that are said that are not excusable,

Honest Question. What is the measuring stick where people will say racism doesn’t exist? It seems to me like a goal that some don’t want to reach.