Mike Johnson

Make no mistake...with the exception of a handful of examples in history every single human being is selfish. Even all the generous and wonderful things you’ve done in your life were done to serve and enhance your own self worth. It just so happens that at the time you had the time/money/resources to do it. If you had

Using Trump as an example (and I’m not saying I support or don’t support) But...using that example... If I was Mexico and it bothered me that this wall might happen.. then I’d be doing everything I could to try and understand why Trump might want to put this wall up and solve that problem first...and accept that I

I do know what I’m talking about. Maybe she should have been a wakeup call to the community to say “oh...hey...we have a whole range of views and opinions...lets embrace that” Instead you’re too hung up on yourself and your own idea of “right” and how “wrong” people are that support certain conservative concepts. Like

Sounds like most white people. Smart guy. Quit bitching and complaining about race and diversity and pour your money and efforts into solving the real problem which is education. Did racism exist, yes. Does racism exist. Yes. But the majority of white Americans don’t care and will judge based on education and

Just another example of the hypocrisy and self-rightousness that everyone has. She isn’t relatable because she has opinions and political views that don’t jive with what is expected of her by others based on her sexuality/gender journey. She’s not fighting the real fight for them.