
Time for a Darknet

Torchlight. Or Diablo II. Maybe Dragon Age: Origins. Hell, I might mud this weekend. Nothing like text based ass kicking.

So, do the makers of SwiftKey X get to sue whoever made the cydia app? What fun!

If you jailbreak there is, or used to be, an app that will trick your apps into thinking they are on WiFi.

True, but if he has thousands of sites, each of which are highly popular, when they move they will get even MORE hits. I'd hate to be hosting firm that gets it.

Where is he going to take them? Does he use them for hosting or just DNS Registrar?

So you would ask why :)

Internally all of their computers,unload scanners, load scanners, sort scanners, are running on a Citrix client. The software that handles it is probably home grown.

Can't come soon enough. I hope they make something worthy of the title.

Is that going to be soon?

Know what else I really liked about CM7? The screenshot in the longpress power menu. I'm so glad it's on my ICS rom, and I really hope that is a stock feature.

Every custom rom I have ever run has included this functionality for my Samsung Vibrant... And they have all worked nicely. Looks like even my ICS rom (Which is supposed to be mostly stock) has it. Cheers for sharing our 3g/4g wireless data!

@Zak Lovell Most people reading a geek blog would know the difference between our and are...

Real men don't shave.

What you are forgetting, of course, is the fact that real men have beards.

Always work for me. :)

It's a monopoly if you want to Talk and Surf at the same time?

Really though, if you aren't using an Exchange server with Outlook you don't outlook. Most personal email providers, read: google, are better at email than outlook. Plus, google has a contacts feature that syncs w/ gmail. And calendars? Yup. See, no real need to have outlook outside of a corporate setting.

I read a cross post today, and I had to read atleast five more jez articles before I could get back to work. more of those please

House robbing will be covered in Evil Week.