
Yep, paid troll for sure. Really, this is just sad now. I’m even less of a fan of her campaign now than I was before. Heck, with your help you have helped make up my mind to register as Democrat (currently not registered with a party) just so I can vote against her in the primary. Thank you for that.

And yet you still don’t deny it, a paid troll is a paid troll no matter what side you are on.

I was wondering what compression it used, thanks for the heads up. Def a pass this time around.

I was wondering what compression it used, thanks for the heads up. Def a pass this time around.

But she isn’t going to do squat for the Buffalo schools. The way she has been talking, it does not sound like she even knows Buffalo exists let alone knows about the schools in the city.

So no denial of working for her campaign...gotcha, please move along you paid troll.

No really? Please tell me more things I already know. But 90% of her push to run is spent on a majority NYS non-issue? What level of her campaign do you work for? You are coming off as very defensive of her.

How is spending 90% of her time talking about the NYC subway a state issue?

nice gas lighting!

Get around to it? That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.

A start? She is running to be a governor of a state, not a city. She should be talking about state issues from the start if she was for real.

She made a generic statement that could be about anywhere and spent most of the time talking about the NYC subway...

Has she said anything about anywhere or anything that isn’t NYC centric yet? Because I really get the feeling that she thinks that she is running for mayor of NYC and not the governor of NY State. Poor girl seems confused.

My parents live in a town that’s constantly ranked one of the “safest” towns in America, yet they constantly fear the strangest things like home invasions etc The news pushing fear non-stop does strange things to people. I’m sure they would buy this in a second if they knew about it.

Use code X4Z9IEEU

Use code X4Z9IEEU

Most if not all of those complaints are related to the Nyko dock though. I can’t say I have seen many complaints about this type of connector.

Most if not all of those complaints are related to the Nyko dock though. I can’t say I have seen many complaints

I doubt she has ever been anywhere in New York State (outside of airports) that isn’t within 50 miles of NYC. Even her announcement focused on NYC and NYC only.


Every time I see these posted I remember the Gizmodo article stating that these don’t actually do anything then I laugh that these keep on getting posted on the Deals site quite regularly.

Every time I see these posted I remember the Gizmodo article stating that these don’t actually do anything then I

This remind’s me of when Foursquare changed everything up, people left in droves and they just doubled down like Snapchat is doing...Look how well that went for them.

Not exactly, youtube trending page isn’t set up the way you think it is. It has humans behind the scenes already saying what can and can not be shown on said page. If something shows up on the trending page that is full of crap, there is some human at fault. It’s not like he is complaining about people stumbling on