
What would I add to it? You are the one that created something out of nothing. You stated that I meant something I didn’t and you could not back it up so I guess I mean. You are welcome to apologize if you would like. But I don’t see you doing that anytime soon.

I meant exactly what I said, I know a few women..Anything else that you would like to read into?

“if I am mistaken in my reading, then I would definitely welcome correction.”

what exactly did I say that equated to “Your logic is that if a few people think something is okay, then you are good assuming all people think it’s okay”?

“Your logic is that if a few people think something is okay, then you are good assuming all people think it’s okay.”

No, they are called faulty comparisons actually. “Comparing one thing to another that is really not related, in order to make one thing look more or less desirable than it really is.”

I’ll answer any question you have about the topic at hand, but talking about rape and people of African heritage have nothing to do with the use of the term females.

So you are speaking for all women? or are you speaking for yourself?

Again, using the word female has nothing to do with what you are talking about. Boy, this is awkward again for you. Your current topic and the topic of word usage should not really be compared.

So don’t refer to you personally when I use the term females...got it. Need anything else?

If an individual asks me not to call them something because they themselves do not like it, sure not a problem. But saying you speak for all women is b.s because you happen to be born/chose to identify as female.. I’ll pass. It’s a word and I know at least a few women who really don’t give a crap and find more

Yeah... that has anything to do with the word use females....ok....

I’m not sure how the two things are connected... but good for you!

Feel free to bring those terms back if you want. Freedom of speech and all that jazz.

Oh, so the language in the history of humans has never changed. That’s good to know.

There are women that say Donald Trump is great... and women who say racist things also. Which ones should I be listening to exactly? I’m sorry if me saying Females is the worst thing I do... I’m ok with that.

“Any idea which Roku has the better processor/ram?”

“Any idea which Roku has the better processor/ram?”

depends on if an ethernet port matters to you or not.

depends on if an ethernet port matters to you or not.

“many women find it offensive”

Yep, thank you for proving that someone can literally get offended by anything these days.