
Each site manager gets a budget based on how well the site is doing. Site managers can use that budget however they wish - this includes paying themselves and their staff. Budgets differ wildly based on views. Your average baseball site probably gets five mil views a year. Your average MMA site ten times that much.

While I can empathize with Pewdiepie’s frustration with the content mill to keep being relevant and keeping his status, I can’t help but roll my eyes at him at the same time. Pewd is a multimillionaire, and no one is stopping him from taking his own creative steps to leave the content mill. In fact, he has a great

Well, that, and it’s also not like we disconnect from physics and lag in real life. You don’t have to worry about a wide receiver running in place and then appearing down the field, wide open, or any number of other technical problems that games only have to deal with.