
@wjglenn: What if the I am having constipation issues so I make a homemade pudding with laxative in it? Is that wrong if the thief eats it and gets sick? As far as i see it Tekkub nailed it. If you need to be concerned with the contents of your food, don't steal other peoples food.

@wjglenn: ANYONE who feels entitled enough to consume and/or destroy something someone else created deserves what they get.

@andrew11: People deathly allergic to peppers (or anything else for that matter) really shouldn't be sampling other people's lunches in the first place!

@orphic1: There is no legal way a company could tell you what to put in your food.

@orphic1: You didn't slip them anything, they consumed something they had no business consuming. You didn't ruin their workday, their choice to consume something containing unknown contents ruined it. It is the persons own fault for eating something they knew was not meant for them.

@Mickets: That applies when someone is in need, not stealing because they're lazy.

@orphic1: I don't see how having laxatives can get you in trouble with HR, you always have the fact that people are afraid to incriminate themselves and plausible deniability on your side, and if you do it right, they ate the evidence.

@mdebusk: You have some serious intestinal issues if you consider ex lax to be a "lethal force."

@mdebusk: there wouldn't be a case against you, if there person dies, it's their fault for eating someone else's lunch. Nobody forced them to take it.

@orphic1: How does HR feel about theft?

@tallchair: In the first and last article(the link to the second one is broken for me) the key word here is GIVEN.


@vamusical: like plaque identification tablets?

@AmphetamineCrown: What about people who work retail and don't have a desk?

@AmphetamineCrown: Do you change all your habits to appease everyone around you and especially thieves?

@OMGWTFBBL: If I put laxatives in my sandwich, and you steal it, that is not assault. That is me being constipated (or not) and you stealing a sandwich.

@OMGWTFBBL: How? It's my sandwich, maybe i needed the ex-lax. If my co-worker steals my medication out of my desk, how is that my fault?

@OMGWTFBBL: Please explain how someone eating MY FOOD in the company fridge is "simple assault" ?