Swaggermuffin Lives

Bitching about it on the Internet.

LGR's pretty great. So is Retro Game Room, who i kinda lump in the same category. I dunno if that's fair, but they're both really fun to watch and super educational if you're interested in the weird annals of the early(er) days of videogames.

That collective shout from the audience was golden.

Okay but, is it good?

That was the best part of the trailer.

found the trump supporter

i'll punch in any direction relative to trump at this point

I want to have his babies.

He can straddle my bro geek divide anytime he wants.

Jesse Plemons was in Bridge of Spies, and I swore up and down it was Matt Damon, and that he'd gained a lot of weight. And then halfway through the movie we had a good shot of him and I realized it wasn't him, so I said "I guess Fat Damon isn't in this movie after all."

Ohhhhh! Oh.

The who what?

The who what?

Who? I googled and all I'm getting is paid-vacation rom-com franchises.

If you mean that the reason is "to save face," then I get where you're coming from, but I still don't see an issue.

So they're still gonna do the sponsorship thing? Because I'm white, male, lazy and cute, and schmoozing is just about the only avenue I have into the academy.

… Jesus Christ, I just noticed that.

That's okay.

I've been wondering where he's been since he saved the gays.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. "YOU DON'T LIKE THING? YOU'RE A GAMERGATE."