Swaggermuffin Lives

Where? I don't see anything on the topic in the article or in the comments.

So we're just openly going to make light of people harrassing and attacking citizens on the street now?

Can I ask a boob-related question?

Boo fucking hoo. I didn't even know the General Lee had a flag on it. It's still the same car, it's still the same color, it's still the same number, it's still got the same two people driving it.

I'm a little surprised. When was the last time we as a society had such a pronounced reaction to a mass shooting?

Wait, what? So he became his character and is now living the part in real life, is that right?

Not gonna lie: I have a little trouble believing Toby "tidal wave coming 'cross the Mexican Border" Keith is a Democrat.


what the fuck and hell

I don't know why people say he's so pretty. Below the neck, he's a 9 at least, but the dude looks like an alpaca.

Hey there, Buzzfeed!


No, John.

Hearing the audience scream sent chills down my spine. Sony wins best in show this year.

Someone's got to be the pessimist, so here I am. You're all welcome.

The DS was also helped by the fact that it has a huge library of fantastic games. I'd love to see a write-up on the thing.

yes but will he be shirtless

Seriously, though. You people jumped through some hoops.

Jerry Seinfeld has never once been racist. What the hell are you talking about?
