Swaggermuffin Lives


Whoever gets finished last gets impaled on a spike. That's about as much context as the movie actually gives you.

I really want a stupid, low-bro comedy like this, except the two bros actually have really strong romantic feelings for eachother and neither of them will admit it. You get to see them struggling to cope with their sexuality and life in general, à la Punch Drunk Love.

It's very difficult for a gay man to be a homophobe. And it's one poorly-written, gay male character that they trotted out to get good press. A homosexual in a conservative society! His parents disapprove of his lifestyle! He rebels by being flambouyant and ostentatious!

I'm new to this, but if Selma was a 2015 release, won't it be nominated next year instead?

If it helps, try to erase the chair incident from your memory. It helps paint a more accurate picture of Eastwood.

You said that in response to one of my comments a while back. What the hell does it mean?

Are you seriously implying that we nominate a director purely based on race and gender? A. A. Dowd said it himself: Selma is a better cultural barometer than cinema.

I've been saying it was manipulative, poorly-written queerbait since I saw the first headlines about Dorian.

Fair enough.

Nothing bad can come of this.

What I want to know is: why do we have dozens of articles on a rape case that will never see trial, but no articles on Lena Dunham's confessed molestation of her little sister?

Wahey now. The internet actually did a pretty great job for once.

You can use HTML tags in the comments, y'know.

The top earning male stars of 2013 were in their 40s and 50s while the top earning female stars were in their 20s and 30s. Of the 10 biggest star salaries, not one went
to a woman.

Speed Racer had other problems.


Neither was Bill Cosby.

one more reason why Buzzfeed will never be respected

In answer to all of your immediate questions: they have everything.