Swaggermuffin Lives

I hate to put it so bluntly, but was the black lady who was onstage for the help joke crying? I don't know her name.

Does being born count as pop culture?

That's something I've been wondering: why is Sean writing all the obituaries? Not so much that he's unfit for the job, but is that something that's assigned to him specifically?

Dammit. I just posted a comment like that, and now people are going to see yours and think I'm just hocking your idea.

A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters, et cetera.

Wait, what? Why?

Are we talking America or **America?**

I mean, if they exist on Tumblr, they have to exist somewhere in the real world.

Question: what does it mean to write a treatment? I see that term a lot.

wow you read the books and you know aaaall about lady stoneheart or what the fuck ever GOOD4YOU

That's actually really good.

It was someone who wanted Joffrey dead and Tyrion framed for it, right? Margaery stands to gain nothing from her king's death, and as much as Olenna wants her daughter to be safe, she has nothing against the Imp. Sansa wouldn't be blamed for wanting every last Lannister dead, but she's too timid and stupid to try

Is there a place online I can watch it?

Kingdom Hearts apparently never happened.

How exactly am I supposed to feel about this?

I don't think we watched the same trailer.


I hope he never stops doing whatever it is he thinks he's doing. I'm getting a kick out of it.