
Anonymous is dead and all that’s left is a bunch of script kiddies with inflated egos. If they can’t socially engineer it out of somebody’s hands they can’t do shit.

And yet surely in this comment section is someone stating we should accept “our loss” 

Naaaah, he acted as maliciously as he could with Obama as his boss. This is a man who built his career investigating Whitewater, he desperately wanted to bring the Clintons down. If you look at that Congressional hearing the Republicans dragged him into over the email thing through that lens, his entire defense was

I think if you read the words of the Democrats coming out of that meeting, it’s clear now that it probably was malicious on Comey’s part. Up til now Dems were working under the assumption that he was a “good man in over his head.” That seems to be dead, now.

OMG RIGHT?? It’s like I can’t wait for him to just finish blowing the planet up awready, finish the ruination— just so I can get a little distance on what’s happening right now. We’re in the Prelude chapter to whatever documentary Ken Burns is going to make about the Trumpocalypse.

My guess - our collective heads exploding watching Trump dismantle NATO and siding with our true enemy - Russia. Meanwhile, poking the Panda until there is a real limited shooting war in the Pacific. Europe becoming balkanized in ethno-states. The US corporate state becoming unassailable. Major health epidemics over

The FBI director is a good man who was placed in a very difficult position,” said Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.). “His boss [U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch] made life very difficult for him in the last year when she met with Bill Clinton on the tarmac.


You’re not paranoid if they’re actually out to fuck over your country.

With extensive computer hacking hijinks playing a major role in this election, why have we heard NOTHING from Anonymous? You’d think they’d want in on this, if only for the lulz.

This guy is replacing the eagle as the symbol of Trumpmerica.

It will certainly be fun to watch all of the spineless, mealy mouthed republicans in congress try to gaslight and explain away what is starting to look more and more like fucking treason.

They elected Trump and now they’re facing the consequences.

I’m starting to become more and more convinced that there was more direct hacking/tampering with the actual election results than was first admitted. There is definitely something going on. It seems the Republicans are trying to hide it (for obvious reasons) and Democrats and other government officials don’t know what

retired general Michael Flynn, a member of the Trump transition team

FSB sure is a funny way to spell KGB.

Why do you think Trump said ALL of the US Ambassadors had to resign?

My first thought:

Trump makes fun of women’s looks constantly, so it’s only fair to make fun of his minions.

Let’s just get rid of ethics in general. We clearly don’t need them anymore.