
I took this from this quote that he meant there was no “hard proof”, like an x-ray, and he seemed to denigrate mental health professionals and standards as not having validity.

-When they stretcher a fan out for some unknown reason.

I hope I’m not a bad person for being surprised both that 1) this happened in Iowa at a stodgy government office, and 2) that the ousted individual was of this age and appearance.

I think Grimes only actually wrote the last line.

I believe the caption began “All your base...”

Nope, not cute. Not to be commended. She Ariana Grande’ed that shit and left it for someone else to spend money on and eat. Nope.

You were robbed; they have them in the kids’ dress-up section at Dollar Tree for a buck.

I don’t really fit any of the groups mentioned, but rarely if ever get bitten, and it’s always been that way. I’ve probably had 2 bites over the past decade, and do live in a humid area where lots of bites happen to others. My mom and brother were always the same way. If anyone would like to offer quadrillions of

Is it? I’m not that familiar with the team or its fan base.

Those are some of “the Good Ones”.


If only Kellen Winslow I had done this more...

Bless her heart.

It must be Italian.

Isn’t the Internet a magical place?

This made me wonder about Odibe McDowell’s water bill.

Did the woman neglect to wear trousers?

Especially to prove you wrong on a point (fellow mom of teen here).

Thank you for your kind words. It was my honor to my duty, and I’m glad that I could be there for him.

Drew, I’m honestly so relieved you’re back and close to form.