
Wait, The Reverend was for reals Kimmy Schmidt’s teacher?  Mind blown.

That first lady was bad-ass to do the photoshoot with the mumps.

Thank you for this article.  I am (was?) a Subscriber to this subReddit, and trying to parse what the heck was going on from the obviously biased and emotionally-charged postings was really tough.

It’s Toni, not Drew.

He’s a Trumpish-looking little ass, isn’t he?

About 25 minutes into the Executive Time, he hollers out from behind the slim gilded door “Ivanka, another roll of paper!

I know! I smelled eggs and knew Drew was back, too!

E Fresh

I made the mistake of skimming the article, and, after having read The Winners, I thought baby showers sure have changed since I was a lass!

I wish there was any way we could see First Lady (always) Obama’s reaction to this.

It’s an acting competition, and seeing Glenn Close’s enthusiastic co-acceptance, she definitely won.

Be Worst

Well, at least he looks embarrassed over it.

That was his brother, Jimmy.

Rob must have been gathering socks for them.

Except for the metro chicken coop.

Do they make Listerine for my brain?

“...in imitating Miss Vietnam Summers “was just recreating how Miss Vietnam acts whence doesn’t understand what someone is saying. She wasn’t trying to mock her.” Thanks for the definition of Mocking, mom. 

Love child, never meant to be...”

This happened in Hawaii, so our President isn’t concerned about attacks in foreign countries..