
Hillary is just basically 100% American Steel

After the last year, really last 30 years, I’m convinced that Hillz has a steel skeletal structure. She is 100% American Steel.

  1. Elect Hillary Clinton

I just watched Spotlight. Fantastic film. Highly recommend.

I’ve heard all the arguments and pleas to vote for the lesser of two evils. No thank you.

But isn’t this the same argument those in the financial industry use for self regulation? Honest question.

I’ve never understood this testing requirement, isn’t it too late after you test positive for an STD? Haven’t your partners already been exposed to some viruses which are contagious before they are testable?

Love these protesters. Rock it people 

Funny how the only actual rigging is being done by Republicans. Head scratchier that is.

Well multi party systems could use some checks as well. Just look at Brexit and some of the other places in Europe where there were so many parties, that the radical right was able to gain more power than it actually represented.

Really, once that tape came out and then he said in the debate that it was “just words” (uhgg!) it was only a matter of how soon and how many would come forward.

The fact that some of these defenders are honestly unable to see that “words” describing sexual assault are wrong is the WHOLE problem.

Thank you for this. This is rape culture in action. The words on the tape, the defense of said words, the attempted gaslighting of every single woman who heard those words as a punch in the gut.

yeah, this is great and all, (read: “whee!! want, need it!!) but can we get some pro-Hillary vibs. Yes, the guy is a genuine threat, yes he is truly disturbed, yes he is unparalleled in American history in his fascism.

Between sicking leaked tapes, deeply disturbing debate, and all around insanity, I feel even more committed to voting my conscience in the election.

I can’t keep up with the kind of schedule she has and I’m not even a little dead. At least I hope i’m not dead and this is an obscure level of hell.

Hey, I’d just settle for less, “Both sides do” it coverage. I thought I’d stroke out when I saw coverage of the debate conflating what’s his name cray cray with HRC’s attempt to have an actual debate on issues while being stalked by a crazy person. Sheesh.

“...election night when Hillary “don’t tell me what to do” Fucking Rodham Clinton crushes him with the force of a million hammers of Thor.”

Just saw over at Buzzfeed:

Gawker went bankrupt because they released a tape of Hulk spilling the n-word. Had they survived that court case, even they wouldn’t have tried their luck a second time.