
I agree but not a huge deal. I will have to use both apps I guess. First world problems.

Whatever the opposite of stress is should work great.

Onitzuka tigers for the win!

That may be all be true but at least the guys at PTI are keeping it awesome

I am surprised that OK Computer is only $9 these days. Definitely worth that. One of the best albums ever.

I don't think it's true. People haven't changed. Now instead of talking to strangers on the bus they can talk to their friends on Facebook, and those relationships can be even more meaningful.

lips. . so. . skinny. . . don't trust

The drowned God will be pleased

Like the amazed exclamation point coming out of someone's head in the lower pic

I'm from Jacksonville and it isn't that bad. Love the beach. But I could see how someone could mistake it for Fatlantis.

Apparently it's possible but has to be combined with some kind of sugar:

Also, a snail isn't a bug. . . . it's a mammal

Yeah, exposed wires do scare me

Dead grass. Must be California.

I afeel that android is always going to have more features but you have to work hard to get the device to use them (ie root or download some skin or software or gmail) whereas iOS makes it braindead simple once finally implemented

The greatest of condiments? I think I would choose Mayonnaise. It combines well with other flavors and can moisten the driest of foods. I also don't think it's as unhealthy for you as its reputation makes it seem.

I try not to follow stupid rules "because they are rules." I bet you were a very good kid.

Did anyone listen to This American Life's retraction episode? Mike Daisey is such a limpdick. I don't think I could hear him say "i feel. ." in person without slapping him.

I thought this once too, but was corrected by a redditor. Basically you can easily loose privacy privileges in society but it is extremely hard to get them back. So it's better to fight any loss from the beginning. I think that makes sense.

By bringing something new to a tragedy and helping us remember what a terrible thing it was? Just by mentioning something or putting it into art does not make it insulting.