
Y E S. Anything with Jake Gyllenhaal is fantastic. Good directors pick him and he picks great stuff. Also, you have to see Prisoners, in which he stars alongside Hugh Jackman and Paul Dano, directed by Denis Villeneuve,

That’s the thing you always notice with some of the market leaders in safety...especially Volvo. When new tests come out, cars from Volvo almost always do just fine. From memory, Honda, Subaru, Chevrolet, and Ford also tend to do quite well. It seems that several of the other European companies fare poorly and Toyota

Not going to lie, the small overlap is my favorite test. It’s always insane to watch and it’s fun to compare models that compete in the same segment.

You can’t put big enough air quotes around “RS” for GM.

Ford never filed for bankruptcy. Or accepted government bailout money. They just sold and pawned everything.

The car just oozed down the road, sliding on its own trail of shit.

I would argue that Nissan is even worse.

You’re new here, so here is a lesson. Please read what was written before commenting in such an immature and uneducated way. I said nothing of the front of the car. I said only that the rear three quarter photo looks ‘like’ a 911, and as you wrote in your comment, the rear hips and the wing, all part of that photo,

That Thor’s Hammer headlight is never going to stop being sexy. It’s so good.

I’ve never understood how the floating screen looks tacked-on, but nobody complains about a wall-mounted TV.

While I certainly respect your opinion, and find all of those examples you mentioned to be quite nice, I believe the majority here are trying to say your tastes may be just a bit outdated. And I’m actually in agreement with you - except the clock, analog clocks in cars has past it’s expiration date - unless it’s a

Why not hang out at Walmart? You’ll meet some very interesting people there. Just check out the People of Walmart site for proof. :)

I’ve never been in one, but that picture screams acres of hard plastic.

I’m having a hard time believing Tesla replaced the entire battery for something that could have been solved with firmware, even if the customer had to wait for it. It just sounds too convenient. “The battery was totes fine but we replaced it because the gauge was reading wrong?” OK.

“while the car drove through deep water” maybe there’s the reallly interesting story.

Completely agree. It really doesn’t even look that big (just boxy), especially compared to full sized SUVs here in the US.

There’s this funny little part about being a business known as “profitability”.

If you don’t enjoy this vehicle you have a big poop in your pants

The world’s first Hundred Grand Cherokee.